Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What are the effects of too much technology dependence on teenagers?

Personally, I'm going to say, judging by the questions being asked (for the most part) on this site, teens are not thinking much. Everything they don't know gets entered in google, they click the wikipedia link, read a line or two, then take their question here (if they even do the initial search) in hopes someone will take all work out of it and just answer it. The amount of questions copied off homework or that could be easily researched astounds me.

Another aspect is that technology can enable connections with other people all over that wouldn't have been possible a decade or 2 ago, but I think the negative part of that is that they are not physical relationships (mostly) and because of that they're not as strong of social bonds being created. A myspace profile may have hundreds of friends, but what good is that to most people? To meet with friends for lunch and to be able to see their body language and establish that type of connection is lost in an instant message. Hell, it's hard to understand the spelling, much less the intent/intonation of ';txt sp3ak'; (and spelling skills are so far gone...'you' is too long. it's ';u'; now. Seriously?)

Those are negative effects. I'm feeling rather salty today.What are the effects of too much technology dependence on teenagers?
Stress. If for some reason a technology was for some reason ';out of order';, then the teen basically freaks out. My teen's phone broke and she didn't know what to do. She lost all of her phone numbers. Try and get them to do complicated math without a calculator. I don't think some teens would know what to do if there wasn't cell phones, iPods, computers, cable tv and video games. I grew up in the 70's when there wasn't any of those things. A funny thing is when my daughter was about 10 years old I showed her an old rotary phone and she couldn't figure out how it worked. I thought that was funny. But sadWhat are the effects of too much technology dependence on teenagers?
Most teenagers but not all teenagers are spending way to much time on social networks like facebook and myspace. Oh heck Im in my 40's and very guilty of spending hours on myspace too. Well that's just 1 example in my opinion. Great question by the way!
How much is too much? Is depending entirely on technology really a problem. It's the way of the future and it seems to be fine.
the effects are they get fat at worst. They usualy grow out of it but i never did and im fine.
when the apocalypse strikes, they are first to go. or in their case, a majjor blackout.

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