bring a video camera and re-enact your life stories. Or bring lots of paper and learn how to do oragami. Or write letters to all of your friends whom you don't talk to anymore. Or give each other makeovers (well, if you're both girls... or guys can too, I guess)--- that would be fun to videotape too! Or walk around the hotel and see what weird things people are doing-- invent their life story! Or go down to the check-in or Information desk and ask obnoxious questions and see what they'll do (but don't get kicked out of the hotel). Prank call people... there's probably loads more of things you could do, but this is what I have at the top of my head. Have fun!!What should 2 teenagers do when bored in a hotel room?
An hotel room is not realy fit to do much other than sleep, and change clothes.
You could catch up on reading or create something artistic, like paint by numbers or some other craft work.
There will be other people who want to rest in their rooms so it is respectful to avoid doing anything noisy which will disturb them.
Go walk around and explore the city, take the bus and visit shopping malls, museums, restaurants, theatres, amusement parks, recreational parks etc etc
I am gonna be frank to you or straight
I would say have some fun like sex... Dont get mad
but that's my answer
2 teenagers in hotel w/ out any stuff to play with
of course .....===%26gt;
get out of the hotel -go see the sites in the city you are visiting.
Look through pamphlets about other things to do than beach, and plan your next days
Take a couple of board games and some cards with you.
Just a suggestion.
get it on
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