Some will. The ones who won't relate are the inner city ghetto kids who have five kids with five different fathers, live on welfare, and are demanding that the system give them even more. You know, those Obama types.Will red state voters be able to easily identify with the Palin family, having children as teenagers?
I understand because I've done it myself. Emotions are running wild, including my own. :) Thanks for the BA to my nasty response.
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My parents were 24 before they had their first child, my sister was 26 for her first and I'm 26 my fiance is 25 and we don't have plans to have our first until we're 30. Interesting side note: We all have college degrees. High school dropouts and career burger flippers tend to have kids while in high school or just out of high school, you know the people that want bigger government so it can pay for their mistakes.
Yes, they should love the fact that Palin's daughter didn't use birth control and that her partner didn't use condoms while they were having premarital sex.
What a great mother Sarah is. Her teenage daughter spreading her legs is just such a lovely message to take on the campaign trail.
For Rethug voters in Red States, that girl was gettin' long in the tooth. I mean, at fourteen they're still cute.
Lmao. Well sure.
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