Saturday, January 23, 2010

Should teenagers be charged as adults in criminal cases?

I have to write an essay on whether or not teenagers should be charged as adults in criminal cases.

Any help would be appreciated and please post your sources.Should teenagers be charged as adults in criminal cases?
No. science is clear that teenagers do not have the same emotional and mental faculty as adults, including 18 years olds. The specific areas of the brain that control impulsive behavior, for example, are not fully developed until about the age of 20 in most people.

While ';they were old enough to do an adult crime'; is a seductively simple slogan, it's just that, a slogan without real meaning.

The lunacy of this policy is demonstrated when they propose to try an 8 year old as an adult for murder. An 8 year old cannot possibly comprehend the seriousness of that crime, or form the requisite intentions needed to act on it.

What would make sense is a set of sliding standards that either take into account age or measure emotional and mental development and assign responsibility accordingly.

OK put in the TD's now.Should teenagers be charged as adults in criminal cases?
Hi Tom,

Well, it does depend on the crime and the set of circumstances you are actually looking at. As well, was there premedation involved, another words, did the person or person plan the crime. There mental state, at the time of the crime. Um, can you show the reckless reguard for human life? What do the forenic evidence, show in that particular case?

Here are some websites, that might help, down below in the, what's your source. I hope this helps you out, good luck.

Depends on the crime. Murder, yes. Theft, maybe not. Drugs, depending on what drug. My opinion.
That depends on the crime. The human brain isn't developed until a person is 19 or 20, making it physically impossible for some teenagers to make rational decisions.
It very much depend on the age, maturity of the teenager. If say the person was only 13 years-old, no, charging a child as an adult would not be an appropriate. However, if say, the teenager were 19 years-old, they very well know the consequences, that their behavior is wrong, yes, they should be charged as adults. The reason why younger teens shouldn't treated as adults law wise is due to the fact half of them don't even know the consequences of their transactions. How many kids have you seen or heard stealing a bubblegum or calling their friends names, such as, ';gay,'; ';dumb***,'; etc., or even sexually harassing or ';flirting'; or a girl? They don't realize the extent to the punishment, such as getting sued, going to jail, probation, etc. To them it's all a joke. When you're 18 or 19, however, you're fully matured, and should know the consequences of your actions, and should have enough self-control to know not to do certain things. Also, it is called ';adult'; cases for a reason, that being it was meant to be treated as adults. But with certain crimes, murder, for example, age should not be a factor, and the court should decide on the fate of the suspect, without age coming into mind.
depends on the crime and how old they are i guess

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