at the end of a mass the priest says ';go in peace to love and serve the lord';. how can catholic teenagers live this command in everyday life in places like school and at homeHow can catholic teenagers live this command in everyday life?
%26lt;%26lt;How can catholic teenagers live this command in everyday life?%26gt;%26gt;
The way everyone older than you does - living the Catholic lifestyle. Start with the Ten Commandments. Take some of your spare time and use it to learn more about the beliefs and practices of the Church.
The more you know, the more you can live the Catholic lifestyle. Experience has taught me that, the more you know, the easier it is to live the Catholic style (Note: I said ';easier';, not ';easy';). I think that's because, not only will your independent study show you what to believe and practice, you will learn WHY. That's important.
%26lt;%26lt;at the end of a mass the priest says ';go in peace to love and serve the lord';. how can catholic teenagers live this command in everyday life in places like school and at home%26gt;%26gt;
Treat everyone as if they were Jesus Himself.
I know that's easier said than done but that is the Way.How can catholic teenagers live this command in everyday life?
Excellent question.
The first way that comes to mind to live in peace is to be at peace, a peace that begins with the Prince of Peace, Christ our Lord. Reconcile yourself to Him, but also reconcile your life to His. Open yourself to relationship and walk with Him.
Take that peace and extend it to others - your classmates, your family, your friends. Seek a true peace with them - and that doesn't mean just not fighting. Peace means getting rid of those barriers that destroy relationships. Are there things unsaid that should be addressed - a drinking problem in the family, a lack of communication, a sibling who feels left out? Address these and you'll see real peace.
Finally, take this peace into the community. Are there homeless near where you live? Is there a family in need of repairs on their house, or an elderly neighbor in need of a way to get groceries or to the doctor? Be the justice that our Lord commands us to be.
I am not Catholic but I am Anglican, are vicar also says that at the end of communion, it is hard in school, especially when a lot of the girls are so bitchy, but you just try and be nice to people or ignore the ones that a really mean, at home it can be hard when you have had enough with your parents, I usually end up shouting at everyone. We are still human and make mistakes, it just feels as if we have a constant support in are lives not matter what friends and family are making us feel.
Hope this helps xxxx
EDIT: Songs like this help me a lot, I like the 2nd and 4th song鈥?/a>
(Also the guy who sings them is sort of cute:-)
The key word there is ';love';.
Just be nice, and at the same time, be not afraid.
By the end of Mass, you've heard the inerrant, inspired Word of God, direct from the Bible. You've witnessed Jesus, the eternal Word, and the one time, once for all, eternal sacrifice for sin become present on the altar. You've offered Jesus up to God the Father for the sins of the whole world. You've claimed God as your own Father, and you've received the real and substantial body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ, for personal and spiritual sustenance.
If you can't go out and manage to love your neighbor after all of that, than there's something seriously wrong!
Humility is one of the most precious gifts of God and it is not ours by default we must pray for humility and when God see`s us honestly trying to be humble then He will increase this virtue in us, but we have to start to subdue our ego which constantly tells us that we are the centre of the universe and to be adored by all.
One good way of learning humility at your age is to study the lives of the Saints and emulating them by daily discipline, and like all disciplines it takes time and effort.
God bless.
and that si why the Apostle James states it so clearly Faith as well as Works are equally. Knowing our Catholic christain faith its dogmas doctrines and prayers and worship to God veneration to Our Immculate conception the Virgin Mary as well as veneration of the Saints is beautiful
We must do out best to live the moral values of teh Gospel as our incarnated God Jesus Christ teches usThe Beatitues about Love Justice Forgivensess Hope and Joy
Remember as Jesus said before eh departed to the Kingdom of heaven
Go all Preach all nations baptize them in the name of the Father so and Holy Ghost
Jesus is telling us as such to afirrm the Mist Holy trinity one God on esscence but to live the way of the Gospel as to convince People that Roman actholic faith is Christanity is the way in which Saint Peter and his sucessors ahve always guarded the doctrines and dogmas of the Universal Catholic church
and certainly not by forced conversion as such Gnostic who call themelves Christains It si relevation faith(Through preaching of the Good news without any malice or coerce and cerainly Good woks
Verbus Dominus
that's easy, treat others as you would be treated and help those who need help. don't do it for yourself but do it for the Lord. Whenever you help someone don't do it because you want to do it because God wants you to.
i guess you been trying to date one of them huh? well forget it. i try and the only way i was going to sleep with her if first we got marry so i was like peace out.
to answer your question they do......some how they do.
so you didn't get enough asnwers yesterday?
how do YOU think you can do the right thing in your life? how about simple doin the right thing and putting the needs of others before your own.
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