Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why are teenagers allowed to vote? What life expeience do they have in making living choices. Parents paid?

To sweet-rr, the question is inferring that even if 18 is the legal age to vote, people at 18 are still naive at that age are still naive when it comes to government and global affairs.

They do not have life experience, and this has been a term that has been thrown around alot in the Democratic race.

Alot of these people have been living through their parents. Not all, but most. They think they know it all. I thought I knew everything there was to know at that age (wow, I sound like my Dad). Boy, was I wrong.

But, in our system, someone who is 18 is allowed to vote. That is a fact. Whether you like it or I like it, that's the way it is.

Ty - I think that your answer was well thought out, but young kids do not have the real world experience to actually make an informed decision.

Oh, btw, to all who say that at 18 you can go off and fight and die for your country, here is a proposal: If you are 18, in the military then you can vote. If not, you cannot vote until you are 21.Why are teenagers allowed to vote? What life expeience do they have in making living choices. Parents paid?
They can drink on base, I do not see how the government ';steals'; 18 year olds into the military. Remember, all volunteer military and gotta be 18. You can vote at 18, unless you take my propasal to heart.

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Why are teenagers allowed to vote? What life expeience do they have in making living choices. Parents paid?
18 is old enough to die for your country so it should be old enough to vote.
The reason they passed the twenty-sixth amendment, the one allowing eighteen-year-olds to vote, was because people who are eighteen can fight for their country; if they can do that, lay down their lives for their nation, then they should have the right to vote.
That age was set a time when 18 year olds were responsible adults.
As they can be sent off to war and killed for their country at that age it seems proper that they get a voice in selecting who will be in charge and the policies that may send them to their death.

Don't you agree?
well, at 18 you're technically an adult and can make choices for your own. i'm going to be voting for the first time and my parents haven't had an influence on me at all. in fact, my parents both like ron paul. i think he's a freak. i like romney, myself.
They constitute the largest or almost the largest consumer block! with billions of consumer products directed at them, thats experience they in a sense drive the economy and hence must be allowed to vote
If you ask me if they can go to war then they can vote. It is about time these fading generations move aside because they were raised with to much fear of those different and the things the fading generations do now affect the youth and right now the youth is mad.
Because teenagers live in this country too. And you're legally an adult when you vote. So I don't see what the problem is here?
As you mature your entitled to more and more responsibility.

The rational ability of an 18 year old is far more sufficient to make decisions regarding those placed above them in a Presidential setting than some who have been out of school for years and do not stay up with current events at all and vote or do not vote because they do not understand politics..

Its like driving a car, when you first get to do it, it seems important.

To stay informed throughout a lifetime is a commitment a lot of Americans do not take the time to do.

The best thing that can happen to America is for the youth to vote. The party affiliation is not as important as the voting.
The reason that 18 year olds were given the vote was because during the Vietnam war, they were getting drafted and sent overseas, while not having any say in how their government works. Apart from the draft being gone. nothing has changed. Teenagers are expected to be mature enough to handle themselves in combat and make life and death decisions. Why then can't they be mature enough to handle voting?
Everyone over the age of 18 has a right to vote, you can't take that away from us. Those girls you see flashing their boobs on Mardi Gras or the guys being over sexual on those Spring Break shows don't speak for me. I care about where this country is headed.
Why are they allowed to go to war and pay taxes.
I'm assuming you're talking about 18 and 19 year olds. Many of them don't vote because they don't know the issues. the one's that do vote, I think, have as much of a grasp on the issues as most adults (many of whom are pretty ignorant). I think 18 and 19 year olds also have an advantage on many issues. They understand education reform as they have direct experience with problems in our educational system. They understand what is needed to change college costs, and many of them, being in the military, understand what is needed there as well. They also understand pressing issues of social security reform, as they are the ones who are paying but won't be collecting. The only disadvantage I think they have is that they don't really have a lot of experience with health care, as most of them are healthy. Of course, the same could be said about 30 year olds.

Edit: What's with the thumbs down? I thought that was pretty thorough. Was it because I said many of them don't vote? That's a pretty well known fact.
18 years old is the first requirement to vote.

18 years old is the first requirement to be sent on duty for our country, so parents paid what? Everyone pays the price.
Because they are allowed to serve in the military. Basically, it's the only reason the voting age was brought down to 18. When you think about it, it's really strange that the drinking age is 21, but the voting age is 18.
That isn't 100% true. Only teens on the West and East coast are allowed to vote.

This change was made because the last census showed that they are way smarter on the coasts than the inbred south and midwest.

As far as the parental aspect of your question - many beer-guzzling hicks go right from the clan meetin' to the sofa on the front porch without having an actual job, therefore they don't pay for sh*t!
Hey, if your 18 you can vote. We have an opinion to. And that does count. We've lived in this country just like every other american. And we know what's wrong with our system. It's the older people who want to stick to old values. Why do you think bush won?
at 18 years of age they can give their lives for our country. Don't you think they can decide who will put them in danger of doing that!
On Wednesday they will be singing ';I was going to vote for Obama, but then I got high, then I got high, then I got High';
One of our nation's great virtues is that we look for reasons to give people the right to vote, not to take it away.
teenagers fight and die for this country.. end of story
parents paid what? 18 is voting age, technically an adult. A young one, but still an adult.
if your old enough to die in a war, you should be allowed to vote...after all one day the youth will be paying for the social security of the greedy old, as well as paying down the debt caused by greedy right; and since they will have the burden of dealing with all the crap that the so called experienced people are going to leave them, they should have a vote in the matter.
Um honey, 18 is when you turn into an adult. Once youre an adult you can vote. Plus, why should only old people vote? Young people are going to have to live with whoever wins for the next 4/8 years too.
the voting age is 18, that means their adults.

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