to all you people that say the age is 12 or 13 for boys that is nonsense. Can you imagine a 13 year old boy working out at the gym lol. Boys should join the gym if they are not content with their bodies and want to be stronger and it should be at around 15 or when ever the boy is nearly done growing
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What age should teenagers start working out?
i know guys that I went to school with in junior high who started working out. They were about 14 or 15. I'd say about that age. Not too crazy with it though
I started at 12 and now im 14 with a six pack!!! woooot!
you can be any age it depends on how you are with your body if you think you need to improve on your upper body do that if it would make you feel good go for it work out stay healthy keep your body fit
Um I would think that you should start working out as a and running around and maybe around 15 going to the gym.
Teens should always be working out :P Everyday they should be getting some sort of exercise.
you should always be working out.
15-16 yrs old.
or for some
only after puberty hits.
How old are you?
uh well my boyfriend just turned 14 and he's been working out for a while. hottest guy in school [in my opinion] because he's so muscley
people should exersice even when theyre like 5 years old hello but i mean aerobics,tredmill,going on the bike things like that it doesnt matter what age you are to work out but what i dont recommend is lifting weights if your young
boys 12 maybe 13
girls 19 maybe later
You should always work out to keep in shape and become a healthy adult. The sooner you start the healthier you will become.
whatever age they are legally able to work.
all the time and i started wen i was 13 exercise is good for u
im 15 and i work out sometimes...only a few times a week.but then again im on swim really i work out everyday!
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