Whats the most popular teen website or japanese teenagers? Like Bebo or My Space.Whats the most popular teen website or japanese teenagers?
Mixi or GREE. It is fairy popular for ages from 18-50.
I think both sites require you to be at least 18.
The most users are probably in their 20-40s.
Both sites are invitation only sites, so if you wanna join, you need to find someone who already has an account to send you an invitation.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Is virginity still important to youth particularly to teenagers?
i am a 2nd year high school student. i need your opinion regarding this issue because i need some information for our upcoming debate. i am at the positive side so please help me to support that virginity is still important to youth. thank you. Is virginity still important to youth particularly to teenagers?
Heck Yes it is important to me!
I want my first time to be special
In highschool or even college people think they're in love
but then like 2 months later someone cheats on the other person.
Or once you give your self away (have sex) then the other will just want to do it more
Also people will look at you differently
I don't care if you take the pill
You still risk getting a disease
It doesn't matter if you both are virgins
Also think about this
if you give up your virginity and then later on end up waiting till you find someone you love and ya'll both stayed abstinent... you won't be
that one time ruined it for you
I'm in the eighth grade and haven't had my first kiss
and I want my first kiss to be with someone who hasn't had theres yet
Well just imagine this with your virginity
I know its not the greatest point
but my virginity means alot to me
and also religion is brought into this
but I really don't feel like typing my feelings about that haha
well goodluck with your debate
hope this helped
:]Is virginity still important to youth particularly to teenagers?
The thing about virginity is that, once it's lost, there's no going back. Most teenagers have a very skewed idea of romance, love and relationships, based on what they have read or seen on television or the movies, and giving up their virginity to someone that they ';love'; at 14 or 15 automatically puts more importance on a relationship than it usually deserves.
One of the problems with introducing sex into a relationship is that the development of the relationship usually stops at that point. After that, it becomes a sexual relationship, as opposed to an emotional one. Everything is centered around sex -- when you're going to do it, where you're going to do it, how to do it without getting pregnant . . . it's a very unhealthy way to grow a relationship. Teenagers think they are taking a relationship ';to the next level'; when they have sex -- what they are really doing is bringing the relationship to a grinding halt. Girls, especially, but guys, too, tend to excuse basic emotional incompatibilities when they start to have sex, and make excuses for a relationship that may have died of its own accord IF sex wasn't part of the mix.
Sex should be the culmination of a relationship -- not a handshake.
It is very important to me. I always resolved to myself that while I may not wait for marriage, I would wait until I felt that I was completely ready and with someone who wouldn't just use me to get sex.
I am eighteen years old and I am still a virgin. Many people I know think that's weird, but I don't see it as weird at all. It just means that my virginity means a lot to me, and the person that I give it up to has to understand that, and I also have to know that it means a lot to them too - that I love and trust them enough to go all the way with them.
So, to answer your question, virginity is still important to many young people. To be cliche, a lot of people will say ';Well everybody's doing it,'; and many of us, myself included, can say, ';Not me.'; :)
Society as a whole where I live anyway....no I dont think it is its more like a game!
Me growing up it was very important to me, I wanted to lose it at the legal age, with someone I loved. I lost my virginity 4 months after my 16 birthday to a guy Id been with for 8 months, we contiuned seeing each other for another 16 months.
I worry about my younger brothers one whom is 15 and has a girlfriend. I talk to him alot about peer pressure, and ';losing it'; when the time is right not when your friends are doing it.
Many teenagers think its geat to sleep around, I had a friend who lost it to a guy on holiday....she was 14, I know she regrets it now.
To most young people having sex has no meaning ...sometimes it's treated almost like a handshake and something you just have to endure as a part of growing up and the earlier you get it done the better. They should consider virginity as the greatest gift they have to offer and not something to take lightly. I'm realistic enough to know that few teens remain virgins until they marry. My concern is the lackadaisical attitude amount teens about having sex and missing out on what should be a wonderful memory if you wait for the right person.Maybe it won't be the person you marry but make it someone who is worthy of your greatest gift and who understands the difference between making love and having sex
Of course! I'm 13 and PROUD to be a virgin! Waiting for marriage baby!
Imagine this:
Girl is say bout 14 or 15 and is a virgin. She meets a guy and ';falls in love with him.'; He claims to also to be a virgin, so she decides to have sex with him. 2 months later, he cheats on her and wasn't really a virgin.
That's a perfect example of why I'm waiting for my Mr. Right. Of course, I have been asked, but sorry buster. Waiting for marriage here!
It is to my daughter. She has asked for a purity ring which is a reminder to stay pure till marriage. With all the diseases and such about it is safer to be a virgin. Also it is a wonderful thing to share yourself for the first time with the one that will be your husband for life. (that should be your attitude with marriage.)
,for me its important because virginity is a gift that you give to your husband/wife on your wedding night.god created sex just for marriage and for the married ones.and there is no right age to lose your virginity until you're married with someone whom you really love.
Virginity was VERY important to me. I gave it to my best friend this time last year and we are still best friends and I am so glad I gave it to him. I trusted him and he trusted me. But sometimes it isn't that girls don't have respect it is that she is forced or pressured into it. .
It was very important to me and I wanted to make sure that I found the right person to lose it to. I waited until I was 19 to lose my virginity and I'm glad that I did. I would not be able to handle the possible consequences were I any younger.
As a teenager, it is fairly important. Like i wouldn't go out and do it with any random, but im not going to wait til marriage im just waiting for the right guy. What happens if your partners **** it bed and your married to him? Just a thought....
according to yahoo questions and answers, teenage girls don't care whether they are virgin, most seam to lose there virginity at young age,
in the case of guys, they want to have as many virgin conquest as possible before they get married
This question actually caught me by surprise. I am a fifteen year old guy and yes i think that virginity is still important to the youth after all all my mates (3 guys and 2 girls) and me have purity rings. LOL
I think there's very few people where it's not important at all. However what is not always important anymore (rarley is really) is the age-old belief that sex should wait until after marrige, a practice rarly carried out by teenagers.
For some, it is still very important. But for a lot, it doesn't matter anyway as long as you do it with the one you love.
So you wouldn't have to worry about pregnacy and STDs yes, abstinence is the key.
yes of course. .Virginity is still important
it is very important to me....don't know about rest of them! and i'm still a virgin
it was to me
it depends on the person
most guys like a chick that isnt to beat up
to any with self respect or morals
boooo!!!! go OPPOSITION!! haha,, joke! of course, it's important..
but I want you to loose! BOOO!!! BOOOOOOO!!
Heck Yes it is important to me!
I want my first time to be special
In highschool or even college people think they're in love
but then like 2 months later someone cheats on the other person.
Or once you give your self away (have sex) then the other will just want to do it more
Also people will look at you differently
I don't care if you take the pill
You still risk getting a disease
It doesn't matter if you both are virgins
Also think about this
if you give up your virginity and then later on end up waiting till you find someone you love and ya'll both stayed abstinent... you won't be
that one time ruined it for you
I'm in the eighth grade and haven't had my first kiss
and I want my first kiss to be with someone who hasn't had theres yet
Well just imagine this with your virginity
I know its not the greatest point
but my virginity means alot to me
and also religion is brought into this
but I really don't feel like typing my feelings about that haha
well goodluck with your debate
hope this helped
:]Is virginity still important to youth particularly to teenagers?
The thing about virginity is that, once it's lost, there's no going back. Most teenagers have a very skewed idea of romance, love and relationships, based on what they have read or seen on television or the movies, and giving up their virginity to someone that they ';love'; at 14 or 15 automatically puts more importance on a relationship than it usually deserves.
One of the problems with introducing sex into a relationship is that the development of the relationship usually stops at that point. After that, it becomes a sexual relationship, as opposed to an emotional one. Everything is centered around sex -- when you're going to do it, where you're going to do it, how to do it without getting pregnant . . . it's a very unhealthy way to grow a relationship. Teenagers think they are taking a relationship ';to the next level'; when they have sex -- what they are really doing is bringing the relationship to a grinding halt. Girls, especially, but guys, too, tend to excuse basic emotional incompatibilities when they start to have sex, and make excuses for a relationship that may have died of its own accord IF sex wasn't part of the mix.
Sex should be the culmination of a relationship -- not a handshake.
It is very important to me. I always resolved to myself that while I may not wait for marriage, I would wait until I felt that I was completely ready and with someone who wouldn't just use me to get sex.
I am eighteen years old and I am still a virgin. Many people I know think that's weird, but I don't see it as weird at all. It just means that my virginity means a lot to me, and the person that I give it up to has to understand that, and I also have to know that it means a lot to them too - that I love and trust them enough to go all the way with them.
So, to answer your question, virginity is still important to many young people. To be cliche, a lot of people will say ';Well everybody's doing it,'; and many of us, myself included, can say, ';Not me.'; :)
Society as a whole where I live anyway....no I dont think it is its more like a game!
Me growing up it was very important to me, I wanted to lose it at the legal age, with someone I loved. I lost my virginity 4 months after my 16 birthday to a guy Id been with for 8 months, we contiuned seeing each other for another 16 months.
I worry about my younger brothers one whom is 15 and has a girlfriend. I talk to him alot about peer pressure, and ';losing it'; when the time is right not when your friends are doing it.
Many teenagers think its geat to sleep around, I had a friend who lost it to a guy on holiday....she was 14, I know she regrets it now.
To most young people having sex has no meaning ...sometimes it's treated almost like a handshake and something you just have to endure as a part of growing up and the earlier you get it done the better. They should consider virginity as the greatest gift they have to offer and not something to take lightly. I'm realistic enough to know that few teens remain virgins until they marry. My concern is the lackadaisical attitude amount teens about having sex and missing out on what should be a wonderful memory if you wait for the right person.Maybe it won't be the person you marry but make it someone who is worthy of your greatest gift and who understands the difference between making love and having sex
Of course! I'm 13 and PROUD to be a virgin! Waiting for marriage baby!
Imagine this:
Girl is say bout 14 or 15 and is a virgin. She meets a guy and ';falls in love with him.'; He claims to also to be a virgin, so she decides to have sex with him. 2 months later, he cheats on her and wasn't really a virgin.
That's a perfect example of why I'm waiting for my Mr. Right. Of course, I have been asked, but sorry buster. Waiting for marriage here!
It is to my daughter. She has asked for a purity ring which is a reminder to stay pure till marriage. With all the diseases and such about it is safer to be a virgin. Also it is a wonderful thing to share yourself for the first time with the one that will be your husband for life. (that should be your attitude with marriage.)
,for me its important because virginity is a gift that you give to your husband/wife on your wedding night.god created sex just for marriage and for the married ones.and there is no right age to lose your virginity until you're married with someone whom you really love.
Virginity was VERY important to me. I gave it to my best friend this time last year and we are still best friends and I am so glad I gave it to him. I trusted him and he trusted me. But sometimes it isn't that girls don't have respect it is that she is forced or pressured into it. .
It was very important to me and I wanted to make sure that I found the right person to lose it to. I waited until I was 19 to lose my virginity and I'm glad that I did. I would not be able to handle the possible consequences were I any younger.
As a teenager, it is fairly important. Like i wouldn't go out and do it with any random, but im not going to wait til marriage im just waiting for the right guy. What happens if your partners **** it bed and your married to him? Just a thought....
according to yahoo questions and answers, teenage girls don't care whether they are virgin, most seam to lose there virginity at young age,
in the case of guys, they want to have as many virgin conquest as possible before they get married
This question actually caught me by surprise. I am a fifteen year old guy and yes i think that virginity is still important to the youth after all all my mates (3 guys and 2 girls) and me have purity rings. LOL
I think there's very few people where it's not important at all. However what is not always important anymore (rarley is really) is the age-old belief that sex should wait until after marrige, a practice rarly carried out by teenagers.
For some, it is still very important. But for a lot, it doesn't matter anyway as long as you do it with the one you love.
So you wouldn't have to worry about pregnacy and STDs yes, abstinence is the key.
yes of course. .Virginity is still important
it is very important to me....don't know about rest of them! and i'm still a virgin
it was to me
it depends on the person
most guys like a chick that isnt to beat up
to any with self respect or morals
boooo!!!! go OPPOSITION!! haha,, joke! of course, it's important..
but I want you to loose! BOOO!!! BOOOOOOO!!
Australian sports stars provide good role models to teenagers?
is this statement true or not?
and why do you think that?Australian sports stars provide good role models to teenagers?
Some are, some aren't. See this link
and why do you think that?Australian sports stars provide good role models to teenagers?
Some are, some aren't. See this link
I am the legal guardian of two teenagers. How do I go about adopting them?
I have acted as the father figure to these children since infancy.I am the legal guardian of two teenagers. How do I go about adopting them?
Hmm, maybe you could post this in the adoption sections because a lot of people on this section are teens. In the adoption section they know a lot about the process and steps to take. Sorry I don't know more and I hope you can find a way to adopt them.liquid eye liner
Hmm, maybe you could post this in the adoption sections because a lot of people on this section are teens. In the adoption section they know a lot about the process and steps to take. Sorry I don't know more and I hope you can find a way to adopt them.
Can Teenagers write a book and then get published?
It has happened plenty of times before.
In general, most of the novels that spring to my mind are either auto-biographical or pseudo-autobiographical in tone, which helps to make up for the lack of polish. Unfortunately, a lot of these just come off as stylistically derivative.Can Teenagers write a book and then get published?
Of course! It doesn't matter how old you are as long as you are actually going to do it! I'm 14 and planning on having my novel published when I'm finished. Go for it! It's your life and if publishing a book is what entertains you, then go for it! You get one life and you may not want to write it later so do it sooner!Can Teenagers write a book and then get published?
yea if its good enough, totally.
shure you can the author, Flavia Bujor , of the book the, the prophecy of the stones, was only 15 when she wrote it and it has been translated in to more than one languge.
In general, most of the novels that spring to my mind are either auto-biographical or pseudo-autobiographical in tone, which helps to make up for the lack of polish. Unfortunately, a lot of these just come off as stylistically derivative.Can Teenagers write a book and then get published?
Of course! It doesn't matter how old you are as long as you are actually going to do it! I'm 14 and planning on having my novel published when I'm finished. Go for it! It's your life and if publishing a book is what entertains you, then go for it! You get one life and you may not want to write it later so do it sooner!Can Teenagers write a book and then get published?
yea if its good enough, totally.
shure you can the author, Flavia Bujor , of the book the, the prophecy of the stones, was only 15 when she wrote it and it has been translated in to more than one languge.
Is there a Ford modelling agency website for teenagers in the UK?
Ford as in the model agency, not the car.Is there a Ford modelling agency website for teenagers in the UK?
How are teenagers are affected during the vietam war. (Not only in the US but in Vietam) and also todays war?
im doing a speach on how teenagers are affected by war.... and i need a little help.... so....
'How are teenagers are affected during the vietam war. (Not only in the US but in Vietam) and also todays war?'How are teenagers are affected during the vietam war. (Not only in the US but in Vietam) and also todays war?
I would start by learning the difference between past and present tense and correct spelling (or spell check use). It will really help improve the quality of your ';speach'; [sic]How are teenagers are affected during the vietam war. (Not only in the US but in Vietam) and also todays war?
When the Dads came home the effects of the war on the family as well as the effects the ear on terror is havin on families today. , the half american and half vietnam children left form american men having sex with vietneese women who though they were going to get married to these men and were left behind to find that veitnam people hated them. (they were called half breeds maybe).
I cannot really see much effect either of these wars would have on teenagers.
Think about it - has the war in Iraq had any real effect on you? Have you been forced to change of do anything different?
Now, compare this with the effect 9-11 had.
As long as you are not drafted or volunteer to go into the military it won't affect you at all. Teenagers don't care what goes on in Iraq and in my time (Vietnam) the teenagers didn't care about Vietnam. Look at today (Year 2008). Amercan idol is the first thing the teenagers think about. They don't think about Iraq and the troops who have died there. Out of sight and out of mind.
The young Vietnamese of the fifties, sixties, and seventies knew what was expected of him. He knew that war was inevitable for him, so his long range planning was limited. He knew what the toll was on his country's population, so he had limited hopes on living a long and fruitful life.
The American teens of this era, grew up much the same way.
The draft was alive and well, and the country was at war for at least half of each decade that passed from the forties and well into the seventies. The longest the country had gone without major conflict was 1953 - 1965, yet during that period we had advisers in Vietnam, when in 1962 over 100 ad visors had lost their lives. During that same time frame we had the horrendous missile crises and stare down with the Soviets over Cuba.
Today's teens face much of the same tribulation as those of earlier times. Many however, will chose to avoid the military path, since we still work with an all voluntary military. This could change however, the Selective Service is still very much ready and able to reactivate, should it become necessary to do so.
Those who find themselves immune to a draft or who believe they would be welcome in Canada, might need a different strategy to avoid the draft, should they find themselves in that situation.
My parents were teenagers living in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. The Communist killed my mom's parents because they wouldn't give up the farm, and force her into larbour. My dad went in hiding for over years so they couldn't draft him.
well they are effected b/c you guys are the next generation to be effected by the outcome of the war, if it is not ended you will be fighting in it as well.
Russell Schaner, A1C, USAF
'How are teenagers are affected during the vietam war. (Not only in the US but in Vietam) and also todays war?'How are teenagers are affected during the vietam war. (Not only in the US but in Vietam) and also todays war?
I would start by learning the difference between past and present tense and correct spelling (or spell check use). It will really help improve the quality of your ';speach'; [sic]How are teenagers are affected during the vietam war. (Not only in the US but in Vietam) and also todays war?
When the Dads came home the effects of the war on the family as well as the effects the ear on terror is havin on families today. , the half american and half vietnam children left form american men having sex with vietneese women who though they were going to get married to these men and were left behind to find that veitnam people hated them. (they were called half breeds maybe).
I cannot really see much effect either of these wars would have on teenagers.
Think about it - has the war in Iraq had any real effect on you? Have you been forced to change of do anything different?
Now, compare this with the effect 9-11 had.
As long as you are not drafted or volunteer to go into the military it won't affect you at all. Teenagers don't care what goes on in Iraq and in my time (Vietnam) the teenagers didn't care about Vietnam. Look at today (Year 2008). Amercan idol is the first thing the teenagers think about. They don't think about Iraq and the troops who have died there. Out of sight and out of mind.
The young Vietnamese of the fifties, sixties, and seventies knew what was expected of him. He knew that war was inevitable for him, so his long range planning was limited. He knew what the toll was on his country's population, so he had limited hopes on living a long and fruitful life.
The American teens of this era, grew up much the same way.
The draft was alive and well, and the country was at war for at least half of each decade that passed from the forties and well into the seventies. The longest the country had gone without major conflict was 1953 - 1965, yet during that period we had advisers in Vietnam, when in 1962 over 100 ad visors had lost their lives. During that same time frame we had the horrendous missile crises and stare down with the Soviets over Cuba.
Today's teens face much of the same tribulation as those of earlier times. Many however, will chose to avoid the military path, since we still work with an all voluntary military. This could change however, the Selective Service is still very much ready and able to reactivate, should it become necessary to do so.
Those who find themselves immune to a draft or who believe they would be welcome in Canada, might need a different strategy to avoid the draft, should they find themselves in that situation.
My parents were teenagers living in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. The Communist killed my mom's parents because they wouldn't give up the farm, and force her into larbour. My dad went in hiding for over years so they couldn't draft him.
well they are effected b/c you guys are the next generation to be effected by the outcome of the war, if it is not ended you will be fighting in it as well.
Russell Schaner, A1C, USAF
What are the different desirable health practices of teenagers?
What are the numeral desirable health practices of teenagers?What are the different desirable health practices of teenagers?
Sex clinics.... like providing education awareness, KY Jelly, condoms, birth control... thees all important health guides and practices.
Sex clinics.... like providing education awareness, KY Jelly, condoms, birth control... thees all important health guides and practices.
What is the word for a doctor for teenagers?
Is it just pediatrician, or is there a special name for a doctor who specializes in teenagers?What is the word for a doctor for teenagers?
Some peditricians use the term,';Adolescent Medicine'; to describe their speciality area.What is the word for a doctor for teenagers?
its a pediatrician all the way until your 18 years old.
well no you see a pediatricen until your 18 so yeah its still pediatricen
Some peditricians use the term,';Adolescent Medicine'; to describe their speciality area.What is the word for a doctor for teenagers?
its a pediatrician all the way until your 18 years old.
well no you see a pediatricen until your 18 so yeah its still pediatricen
Why should teenagers read the catcher in the rye?
What is things to learn from the book, although many people say
book must not be read due to the profanity of the book such as curses, sexual expression and him being a bad role model for students?Why should teenagers read the catcher in the rye?
Teenagers can relate to Holden the main character. He signifies teenage angst and the want for freedom. You can learn that life is simple but it can be so complicated when you're out on your own. Because there is foul language, sex, and other misconduct it shows that we all need to express ourselves and we can't be confined to a boring life.liquid eye liner
book must not be read due to the profanity of the book such as curses, sexual expression and him being a bad role model for students?Why should teenagers read the catcher in the rye?
Teenagers can relate to Holden the main character. He signifies teenage angst and the want for freedom. You can learn that life is simple but it can be so complicated when you're out on your own. Because there is foul language, sex, and other misconduct it shows that we all need to express ourselves and we can't be confined to a boring life.
How were teenagers and their families affected by the Depression?
There wasn't much money for anything--clothing, food, entertainment--for a lot of teenagers during that period. Often they had to do any types of jobs they could find to get some extra money for food. Many families had to travel around looking for work and shelter, so many teens missed out on their education as well.
Campsites for teenagers in the Merseyside area?
Hi, me and my friends are planning to go camping after our GCSEs have finished somewhere in the Merseyside area. Does anyone know of some relaxed campsites in Chesire or any other area close by which would allow a group of 10 or more sixteen year olds to be loud and have some fun?Campsites for teenagers in the Merseyside area?
Found a couple of links for you. Don't know about the Wirral ones putting up with too much noise though - especially the ones in Meols and Thurstaton - people there are a bit stuck up!! ;)
Found a couple of links for you. Don't know about the Wirral ones putting up with too much noise though - especially the ones in Meols and Thurstaton - people there are a bit stuck up!! ;)
Why should teenagers NOT be tried as an adult?
I'm doing an essay and the topic is whether teenagers should be tried as an adult or not. I chose that they should NOT be tried as an adult but I need more reasons why they shouldn't.Why should teenagers NOT be tried as an adult?
If they're not old enough to ****, buy a cigarette or a beer, then trying them as adults would be stupid. Otherwise, give them all those rights, too.Why should teenagers NOT be tried as an adult?
Because they are BABIES!
They are still young.
All they need is a good counselor and God!
If they're not old enough to ****, buy a cigarette or a beer, then trying them as adults would be stupid. Otherwise, give them all those rights, too.Why should teenagers NOT be tried as an adult?
Because they are BABIES!
They are still young.
All they need is a good counselor and God!
Why are the bras so small in the teenagers section?
I was at some store at the mall and I looked through the bra section, and they seriously only carried sizes AA-B. This was not a store for petite women, or children, it was a store that catered to 16 year old girls like me. I'm a 38 C (which isn't even that big), but come on, I'm pretty sure there are a lot of girls my age who are a C or bigger. So why did they only have these sizes?
I'm confused? Is it advertising that only small breasts are attractive on teenage girls?Why are the bras so small in the teenagers section?
Haha wow. I'm actually the same size but fourteen. And I know exactly what you mean, it sucks but sometimes you have to change where you shop for that sorta thing so you can get the right size. Try target/walmart I know its not as cool but they do have some good patterns that are for teens, not just plain boring ones. I know it sucks but i hope this helped! :)Why are the bras so small in the teenagers section?
Yeeeeah.... Go to Victoria's Secret, www.victoriassecret.com, They carry many C-cup bra's that are *comfortable* The Demi uplift is my personal favorite. Check it out. The clerks are usually very friendly! They'll fit you and help you find what you need. Other that you could try walmart, that carry AAA-DDDD. I'm sure you'll find something. =]
OMG we have the same breast size. lmaolmaolmao
OHH and i also went to an undergarment store. I think there biggest size was like 34 B.
I was like, who has boobs that small? 12 year old?
lol. idk, lasenza has the most range of bra sizes.
and i think they do it because its for skinny girls. the ones that are like flat chested and weigh like 100 lbs.
I know what you mean.
I am almost eighteen, and a 34D. Most guys my age seem interested in girls with extremely small chests.
I guess it's a new trend? As in, they want completely flat, stick-thin girls.
I buy my bras at Rue21.
o-m-g. i know exactly what you mean, im a 36D and everytime i go to like aerie or some other places i can't find bras. they have them at vs but its expensive. how unfair. i mean, obviously were blessed with bigger boobs, right! haha.
lol i shop at meijers for my bras ..
I have a large d or a little over
so its so funny to see those small bras :D
Because a lot of teenagers haven't really matured yet, I suppose.
Most young girls are not a 38C I would say that is unusual so you should shop in the woman's section for your bra's.
That's not for all stores. It depends what store you went to. Maybe they ran out of the bigger sizes?
because most of them don't have boobs.
It's a way to make small girls feel good about themselves and to get younger and younger girls to buy bras.
I was a 32B in the 5th grade and finally stopped at 38 D in high school. I stopped shopping in the teens section once I hit a C. I also find many bras at mainstream stores to run smaller than more expensive lines.
I get most of my bras from the women's section, some from victoria secret (out of that stupid Pink section, seriously if you can fit into that stuff why wear a bra?). The semi annual sale is great, I usually get all my bras then ($20ish per bra instead of $40) I've used specialty local lingerie shops, pricey but great quality, better service and more sizes. There's plenty of women's bras that are cute but they are harder to find. Once you have a bigger chest you need the support from women's bras construction.
Shop around, try on a lot of different brands and styles until you find stuff that works.
I'm confused? Is it advertising that only small breasts are attractive on teenage girls?Why are the bras so small in the teenagers section?
Haha wow. I'm actually the same size but fourteen. And I know exactly what you mean, it sucks but sometimes you have to change where you shop for that sorta thing so you can get the right size. Try target/walmart I know its not as cool but they do have some good patterns that are for teens, not just plain boring ones. I know it sucks but i hope this helped! :)Why are the bras so small in the teenagers section?
Yeeeeah.... Go to Victoria's Secret, www.victoriassecret.com, They carry many C-cup bra's that are *comfortable* The Demi uplift is my personal favorite. Check it out. The clerks are usually very friendly! They'll fit you and help you find what you need. Other that you could try walmart, that carry AAA-DDDD. I'm sure you'll find something. =]
OMG we have the same breast size. lmaolmaolmao
OHH and i also went to an undergarment store. I think there biggest size was like 34 B.
I was like, who has boobs that small? 12 year old?
lol. idk, lasenza has the most range of bra sizes.
and i think they do it because its for skinny girls. the ones that are like flat chested and weigh like 100 lbs.
I know what you mean.
I am almost eighteen, and a 34D. Most guys my age seem interested in girls with extremely small chests.
I guess it's a new trend? As in, they want completely flat, stick-thin girls.
I buy my bras at Rue21.
o-m-g. i know exactly what you mean, im a 36D and everytime i go to like aerie or some other places i can't find bras. they have them at vs but its expensive. how unfair. i mean, obviously were blessed with bigger boobs, right! haha.
lol i shop at meijers for my bras ..
I have a large d or a little over
so its so funny to see those small bras :D
Because a lot of teenagers haven't really matured yet, I suppose.
Most young girls are not a 38C I would say that is unusual so you should shop in the woman's section for your bra's.
That's not for all stores. It depends what store you went to. Maybe they ran out of the bigger sizes?
because most of them don't have boobs.
It's a way to make small girls feel good about themselves and to get younger and younger girls to buy bras.
I was a 32B in the 5th grade and finally stopped at 38 D in high school. I stopped shopping in the teens section once I hit a C. I also find many bras at mainstream stores to run smaller than more expensive lines.
I get most of my bras from the women's section, some from victoria secret (out of that stupid Pink section, seriously if you can fit into that stuff why wear a bra?). The semi annual sale is great, I usually get all my bras then ($20ish per bra instead of $40) I've used specialty local lingerie shops, pricey but great quality, better service and more sizes. There's plenty of women's bras that are cute but they are harder to find. Once you have a bigger chest you need the support from women's bras construction.
Shop around, try on a lot of different brands and styles until you find stuff that works.
How have teenagers changed since the 1960s?
Do you think that teens are more rebellious now or then? And are they more political now or then?How have teenagers changed since the 1960s?
No. Teenagers are the same. The scenery changed. That's all.
Also, in the 60's playstations didn't exist.How have teenagers changed since the 1960s?
Teens are generally more rebellious nowdays than before and yet they are more political than before.
These are the reasons.
Due to the music they listen today, such as the influence of Pop and Rock n Roll music (which encourages Revolution- that is a direct quote from J Lo) (1), teens have been enouraged to rebel more than before. It was up to our parent's generation (about the 60's) when this happen. Listen to the lyrics of most Pop and Rock music- esp Rap, Rock, Soul, Heavy Rock etc and the conotations that each of these genre brings to society.
Yes, music plays a huge role and it has been progressing though time, but one can see the influences it has and the meaning behind it, the drugs, sex, alcohol (2) that links so close to Rock music has thrown society into chaos. Before this or even the emergence of both Jazz and Blues, even though the Art music has slowly progressed to this point, it hasn't been given such a strong message about the influx and acceptablity of these activities
Not only that, due to the increase rate of how communirism has impacted the western world, most parents have to work twice as hard as before (one would stay at home and the other will generally go work). Their kids feel the brunt of that. This creates a rebellion as kids feel that their parents are spending more time at work rather than with them, thus wanting attention, they become rebellious.
In terms of being political, yes, they have become more than before. This is widely because of the vast knowledge that they have. This is seen in the booming of the internet, education etc.
Not only that, the fact that western teenagers these days travel more than the previous generation. The world has shrunk in terms of the time that one spends in terms of traveling. For instance, it will take more or less than 25 hours to travel from Australia to the United States and not 4 months by ship.
And since teenagers have more knowledge than ever, they start asking questions. Like why is this country better than this and through these question, they start wanting new changes to happen to their country. They began to reason, question their superiors, wanting to improve their world that they live in etc. And due to this reason, they stand up more than the previous generation. (Music and Hollywood also plays a huge role in this.- refer back to the very aspects of rock, soul, pop, especially rap.)
So back to your question. Yes I think that teens especially western teens are more rebellions than before but they are also more political than before. This is due to the increase of knowledge.
However, you could see it either as a bad way- in terms of the degeration of the world and how teenagers are being more rebellious than before or you could see it as a good way, due to the fact that without being ';rebellious'; things won't change in the world and people will just be satisfied with their little bubble they live in. Or you could see both ways.
Hope that these makes some sense.
A musician/musicologist and a deep thinker about the world and where it is leading to.
Yes they have changed. Today they are unable to accept responsibility for their own actions - it is always someone else's fault. They are ruder, obsessed with their mobile phones and they truly believe that they can do what they like, when they like and to whom they like with impunity.
They are a inward looking group who view life through very thick glass and are interested in very little apart from themselves.
This situation has be brought about by parents who have opted out of bringing their children up with a modicum of awareness of others and their needs, instilling them with ';the State will provide'; mentality.
im very political... im 15. i mean first off teens express thereselves so much more. thats why theres goth and such. plus we dont have a strict enough generation of parents.... we go out, party, get drunk, do drugs, etc. plus were not close to our parents or family so we have a problem with self asteem and having someone to talk to. the divorce rate is out the roof. i mean, how many familys eat dinner together at least 3 times a week. back then they always were together. on sundays u couldnt be gone because it was known that it was a family day! did u know that 95% of kids that eat dinner with there parents without a t.v. or something on, 3 times a week make better grades?
if u hav more questions email me. n_duethman@yahoo.com
No. They just don't live in ';vans'; anymore.
';Free love'; has now changed to ';benefits with friends.';
No. Teenagers are the same. The scenery changed. That's all.
Also, in the 60's playstations didn't exist.How have teenagers changed since the 1960s?
Teens are generally more rebellious nowdays than before and yet they are more political than before.
These are the reasons.
Due to the music they listen today, such as the influence of Pop and Rock n Roll music (which encourages Revolution- that is a direct quote from J Lo) (1), teens have been enouraged to rebel more than before. It was up to our parent's generation (about the 60's) when this happen. Listen to the lyrics of most Pop and Rock music- esp Rap, Rock, Soul, Heavy Rock etc and the conotations that each of these genre brings to society.
Yes, music plays a huge role and it has been progressing though time, but one can see the influences it has and the meaning behind it, the drugs, sex, alcohol (2) that links so close to Rock music has thrown society into chaos. Before this or even the emergence of both Jazz and Blues, even though the Art music has slowly progressed to this point, it hasn't been given such a strong message about the influx and acceptablity of these activities
Not only that, due to the increase rate of how communirism has impacted the western world, most parents have to work twice as hard as before (one would stay at home and the other will generally go work). Their kids feel the brunt of that. This creates a rebellion as kids feel that their parents are spending more time at work rather than with them, thus wanting attention, they become rebellious.
In terms of being political, yes, they have become more than before. This is widely because of the vast knowledge that they have. This is seen in the booming of the internet, education etc.
Not only that, the fact that western teenagers these days travel more than the previous generation. The world has shrunk in terms of the time that one spends in terms of traveling. For instance, it will take more or less than 25 hours to travel from Australia to the United States and not 4 months by ship.
And since teenagers have more knowledge than ever, they start asking questions. Like why is this country better than this and through these question, they start wanting new changes to happen to their country. They began to reason, question their superiors, wanting to improve their world that they live in etc. And due to this reason, they stand up more than the previous generation. (Music and Hollywood also plays a huge role in this.- refer back to the very aspects of rock, soul, pop, especially rap.)
So back to your question. Yes I think that teens especially western teens are more rebellions than before but they are also more political than before. This is due to the increase of knowledge.
However, you could see it either as a bad way- in terms of the degeration of the world and how teenagers are being more rebellious than before or you could see it as a good way, due to the fact that without being ';rebellious'; things won't change in the world and people will just be satisfied with their little bubble they live in. Or you could see both ways.
Hope that these makes some sense.
A musician/musicologist and a deep thinker about the world and where it is leading to.
Yes they have changed. Today they are unable to accept responsibility for their own actions - it is always someone else's fault. They are ruder, obsessed with their mobile phones and they truly believe that they can do what they like, when they like and to whom they like with impunity.
They are a inward looking group who view life through very thick glass and are interested in very little apart from themselves.
This situation has be brought about by parents who have opted out of bringing their children up with a modicum of awareness of others and their needs, instilling them with ';the State will provide'; mentality.
im very political... im 15. i mean first off teens express thereselves so much more. thats why theres goth and such. plus we dont have a strict enough generation of parents.... we go out, party, get drunk, do drugs, etc. plus were not close to our parents or family so we have a problem with self asteem and having someone to talk to. the divorce rate is out the roof. i mean, how many familys eat dinner together at least 3 times a week. back then they always were together. on sundays u couldnt be gone because it was known that it was a family day! did u know that 95% of kids that eat dinner with there parents without a t.v. or something on, 3 times a week make better grades?
if u hav more questions email me. n_duethman@yahoo.com
No. They just don't live in ';vans'; anymore.
';Free love'; has now changed to ';benefits with friends.';
Why do teenagers only ask me to get them cigarettes?
I don't smoke myself and I never buy cigarettes for teen kids. Out of all the people who walk past teenagers on the street, why do they only ask me to get them cigarettes?
I'm 20 and I don't smoke myself.Why do teenagers only ask me to get them cigarettes?
because they need a smoke.
I havn't asked strangers to BUY me smokes, (I get my friends or relatives to do that) but I have asked them for a smoke if I'm out.
Or a light.
And yes, smoking is disgusting and I should quit.. Unfortunetly, I'm addicted and cannot. I've tried.Why do teenagers only ask me to get them cigarettes?
they might think u r realy nice and vurnable to buy them for them. u did good u said no. it can kill especially in kids. just keep saying no and they will sooner or later leave u alone. if they ask again tell them the bad things about it like say hey why do u want to smoke it will kill u and u wont be able to run or play or any thing. tell the hard facts about smoking
Hmmm... I think its because your 20, so they think that because your young and they might think your like them, then you will do this for them. Also you might come across as an approachable person so they think it is ok to ask you.
Also good on you for 1. not giving/buying any for them, 2. Never smoking yourself.
just tell them to buy themselves their own sigarettes! i mean im 16 (live in italy) and i can buy cigarettes myself, if another guy/kid asked me one i'd probably just tell them i don't smoke (by the way i don't) and tell i've got no time to lose or something!
Just don't buy cigarettes,
鈥aste of money
鈥ills your lungs
鈥ake you smell
鈥ay to die
Keep on going not smoking! Even if a friend ask you to do so! Simply say ';NO'; or run off
maybe you just look nice and they think you would be cool to ask...it's kind of a compliment if you look at it that way :)
but good for you! never buy them cigarettes!! too young
Because you are old enough and probably look like a nice enough guy to do something like that for them.liquid eye liner
I'm 20 and I don't smoke myself.Why do teenagers only ask me to get them cigarettes?
because they need a smoke.
I havn't asked strangers to BUY me smokes, (I get my friends or relatives to do that) but I have asked them for a smoke if I'm out.
Or a light.
And yes, smoking is disgusting and I should quit.. Unfortunetly, I'm addicted and cannot. I've tried.Why do teenagers only ask me to get them cigarettes?
they might think u r realy nice and vurnable to buy them for them. u did good u said no. it can kill especially in kids. just keep saying no and they will sooner or later leave u alone. if they ask again tell them the bad things about it like say hey why do u want to smoke it will kill u and u wont be able to run or play or any thing. tell the hard facts about smoking
Hmmm... I think its because your 20, so they think that because your young and they might think your like them, then you will do this for them. Also you might come across as an approachable person so they think it is ok to ask you.
Also good on you for 1. not giving/buying any for them, 2. Never smoking yourself.
just tell them to buy themselves their own sigarettes! i mean im 16 (live in italy) and i can buy cigarettes myself, if another guy/kid asked me one i'd probably just tell them i don't smoke (by the way i don't) and tell i've got no time to lose or something!
Just don't buy cigarettes,
鈥aste of money
鈥ills your lungs
鈥ake you smell
鈥ay to die
Keep on going not smoking! Even if a friend ask you to do so! Simply say ';NO'; or run off
maybe you just look nice and they think you would be cool to ask...it's kind of a compliment if you look at it that way :)
but good for you! never buy them cigarettes!! too young
Because you are old enough and probably look like a nice enough guy to do something like that for them.
What are some good party idea's for teenagers?
What are some good party themes for teenagers? (ie. CEO's and Office Hoes, Tight %26amp; Bright, Neon ect.)What are some good party idea's for teenagers?
PIIIIRRRRAAAATTTTEESSSSSS hahahahahaWhat are some good party idea's for teenagers?
CEOs and office hoes would be awsome but idk if there parents would approve but you could do a jersey party or a black light party
PIIIIRRRRAAAATTTTEESSSSSS hahahahahaWhat are some good party idea's for teenagers?
CEOs and office hoes would be awsome but idk if there parents would approve but you could do a jersey party or a black light party
Two teenagers writing a beginner's cookbook would you buy it?
If it was a really well written cookbook with easy-to-follow and clear recipes that were easy and tasted great...would you think about buying it? Ages 13 and up are the ages and it has appetizers, main dishes, snacks, desserts and baked goods.Two teenagers writing a beginner's cookbook would you buy it?
I would ABSOLUTELY buy it. I have a ten year old granddaughter that is showing an interest in cooking and I'm always looking for stuff to interest her. She'd think a cookbook by teens was really cool, and I imagine it would have stuff in it that would appeal to her. Of all things for her to want this past Christmas, she wanted an electric omelet maker so she could do her own. I got her one and she LOVES it. I bet that kid's been through at least 2 dozen eggs or more since Christmas, and she loves to experiment with putting different ';stuff'; in them. GREAT enterprise idea - good luck (and by the way, I'm catfield98@yahoo if you get it published - let me know...I might just be your first sale.)Two teenagers writing a beginner's cookbook would you buy it?
u remind me of my grandma
yes I would...not for me so much but for my kids
yes, definitely!
Yes! A wonderful idea! Teenagers have appetites for great food, with quick and easy recipes, Have fun and enjoy creating your teenager cookbook, who knowes look at all the great cooks that have made fame and fortune from cooking, from Rachael Ray to Emerald. Best Wishes and Happy Cooking!
I would buy it for my step brothers ... If I could help, I would really recommend looking at the most popular items at chain restaurants, and figuring out how you could make that recipes your own, and that will help attract teenagers attention to it.
I think it is a great idea. It can be called something in the terms of when parents are not around, safe and easy food to prepare.
Parents may buy the book as a gift to their teenagers. because alot of teenagers are preparing food themselves due to the lack of time, and sometimes parents work or go out. Also teenagers are in college - they leave to college at 17-18, so the book may include a chapter on campus dinning and how to make easy quick food at college.
Yes I would be interested in a cookbook like this as long as it wasn'y real expensive. Will you have photos of the food?
Yes, it's a great idea. Be sure to come up with an amazing title, that should help sell it!
sure! if teens are writing the cookbook, then it should be good food that teens will actually like
yes,..alot of teens are great cooks now adays and can share their ideas with Others!
I would ABSOLUTELY buy it. I have a ten year old granddaughter that is showing an interest in cooking and I'm always looking for stuff to interest her. She'd think a cookbook by teens was really cool, and I imagine it would have stuff in it that would appeal to her. Of all things for her to want this past Christmas, she wanted an electric omelet maker so she could do her own. I got her one and she LOVES it. I bet that kid's been through at least 2 dozen eggs or more since Christmas, and she loves to experiment with putting different ';stuff'; in them. GREAT enterprise idea - good luck (and by the way, I'm catfield98@yahoo if you get it published - let me know...I might just be your first sale.)Two teenagers writing a beginner's cookbook would you buy it?
u remind me of my grandma
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yes I would...not for me so much but for my kids
yes, definitely!
Yes! A wonderful idea! Teenagers have appetites for great food, with quick and easy recipes, Have fun and enjoy creating your teenager cookbook, who knowes look at all the great cooks that have made fame and fortune from cooking, from Rachael Ray to Emerald. Best Wishes and Happy Cooking!
I would buy it for my step brothers ... If I could help, I would really recommend looking at the most popular items at chain restaurants, and figuring out how you could make that recipes your own, and that will help attract teenagers attention to it.
I think it is a great idea. It can be called something in the terms of when parents are not around, safe and easy food to prepare.
Parents may buy the book as a gift to their teenagers. because alot of teenagers are preparing food themselves due to the lack of time, and sometimes parents work or go out. Also teenagers are in college - they leave to college at 17-18, so the book may include a chapter on campus dinning and how to make easy quick food at college.
Yes I would be interested in a cookbook like this as long as it wasn'y real expensive. Will you have photos of the food?
Yes, it's a great idea. Be sure to come up with an amazing title, that should help sell it!
sure! if teens are writing the cookbook, then it should be good food that teens will actually like
yes,..alot of teens are great cooks now adays and can share their ideas with Others!
What is the best car insurance for teenagers who got their first car?
I have a 1989 Toyota Camry thats need insurance so i can start driving it.What is the best car insurance for teenagers who got their first car?
Im 19 and I have state farm and I pay 100 a month. it cheaper than geico and it is 149 a month.What is the best car insurance for teenagers who got their first car?
http://carquotes.50webs.com - try this one. I personally have their car insurance, cause it is the cheapest for me in our area.
liability insurance from your parents
I got insurance under my parents insurance company and I got a discount for it.. I am under Progressive and i pay 50 dollars a month...
you have an older car so your insurance is not going to be as high as someone who has a newer model car.
Shop around, best if you have a driver training certificate. The course will pay for itself on insurance savings in the first year. Be prepared to bend over and take it though at least for the first year. Rates will go down substantially in the second year if no accidents and no tickets. Keep your driving record clean and you'll be okay.
Geico and possibly esurance
little tykes
Im 19 and I have state farm and I pay 100 a month. it cheaper than geico and it is 149 a month.What is the best car insurance for teenagers who got their first car?
http://carquotes.50webs.com - try this one. I personally have their car insurance, cause it is the cheapest for me in our area.
Report Abuse
liability insurance from your parents
I got insurance under my parents insurance company and I got a discount for it.. I am under Progressive and i pay 50 dollars a month...
you have an older car so your insurance is not going to be as high as someone who has a newer model car.
Shop around, best if you have a driver training certificate. The course will pay for itself on insurance savings in the first year. Be prepared to bend over and take it though at least for the first year. Rates will go down substantially in the second year if no accidents and no tickets. Keep your driving record clean and you'll be okay.
Geico and possibly esurance
little tykes
What is wrong with all these unruly teenagers today?
I did not behave like that when i was a teenager, i listened to my parent's, i did not fight with them, did not do drugs and have never been in trouble.
With all the teenage pregnancy going on i think that the parent's needs to start putting their foot down and stop letting their kids do as they please. I am sick of seeing all these little teenage girls at the doctor office with their bellies poking out and they think they are so grown but who are they their with? Their mommies because they know they are still little kids and can't do it on their own.
What are their problems. This is a question that i would like to know the answer to and it is not directed towards anyone here on Yahoo Answers.What is wrong with all these unruly teenagers today?
the problem with teenagers today is that they do not believe in having morals and high standards like people did years ago. they would rather be pregnant and jobless then to do the right things. this is partly due to the parents of these kids. kids who are this way most likely come from parents who are that way too. i used to work at a school program where i had teens in it and there were some that cussed, threatened, and everything else imaginable and when i would talk to the parents about what was going on they would act the same way if not worse than the teens did. i don't have any sympathy for parents like this because they bring it on themselves. it is just plain sad that teens seem to be in this situation in an earlier and earlier age all of the time. maybe one of these days things will improve but i don't look for it in the near future. hope this helps. good luck.What is wrong with all these unruly teenagers today?
I think you should be careful in generalising that we are ALL like that. I'm a teen, I have never smoked, never done drugs, and I do not parade myself about with a big red banner saying 'I want sex'! We're not all that f***ed up you know!
There have always been and will always be unruly and pregnant teens. Get over it.
I don't know...and I have to go to school with a bunch of unruly kids everyday!!! :( But no one I know is pregnant...and I only know like 2 people who have actually had sex.
I am almost 14 and the group of people I hang out with is known as the ';good'; kids.
I am saving myself until marriage, and I haven't even ever had my first kiss, or a boyfriend. I never will touch drugs, or even alcohol, I have made a vow to myself.
Bad parenting, and the world isn't as Innocent as it used to be. Teens now see and know more about things than back in the day. But mostly bad parenting.
It's always been like that
i think its becasue parents arent allowed to disipline there kids as the would off back then when you were a teen like how old are u 20 ? even back then you could disiplin ur kids then you would or if your 80 you could have disiplined your kids diffrent and all this stuff on mtv about how u can not get pregnant and do all this bad stuff
Times change and so does moral values
The parents do play a huge part on how kids act these days. If the parents don't care then the kids will grow up thinking they can do anything no matter the concequences. I think parents are more worried about being their chidrens friends first and then the parent. They don't want their kids to hate them and want them to be happy. They don't teach their kids what would happen if they do something wrong so they think they can just get away with it and their parents will take care of it for them.
I can say, I never acted like kids now days when I was growing up. I didn't get in trouble, listened to my parents, didn't drink or do drugs, and didn't think I could get away with murder like some kids think they can now days. I know if I did try to do these things, I would get in serious trouble from my parents, no not a serious beating, but my punishment would have been more than no tv or video games for a day or two. My parents were parents first, that was their job, and now I thank them for it and we are close. Not because they let me do what ever I wanted, but because they cared enough to teach me what was right and wrong and put their foot down when it needed to be done.
Atleast where I live, the government is stepping in and telling parents what they can and can't do as parents to raise their chidren right. They can't spank them, put them in time outs for very long, take things away from them and so on. They are now saying if you do any of those things, it's child abuse. Well, what are parents to do if their children misbehave and they can't even punish them for it? The government really needs to let parents be parents and only step in if the child is really being abused and not just getting a swat on the butt because they did something wrong. Yes I got spankings, things taken away from me, timeouts, and such and was never abused and the government stayed out of it. It's really sad what is happening to the youth now days.
don't you know?! the media is always overreacting!!!
also, you were just a goody goody tooshoes as a kid.
you might have a point with parents, tho. They really are giving their kids too much freedom.
there is a total lack of respect and maturity in today's youth because of one major reason. lack of discipline. over the last 20-30 years there has been a greater emphasis on protecting children from abusive parents/guardians than ever before. before this time even though there was a lot of abuse going on(behind closed doors), society allowed parents and schools to discipline children. today, children are well protected from abuse, but the ability of schools and even parents to discipline children has all but vanished. some people don't believe that smacking a child on the hand or the behind is effective in disciplining children. usually these are people without children, or they only have one child. some children need a spanking once in awhile. i know that there are other reasons to this problem, like increases in violence on TV, both parents working, increases in single parent homes, etc.. but i think my argument is valid.
in the twentieth century there were three great catastrophes that disrupted family order and values; 1. first world war 2. the depression 3. second world war.
during these awful times, nobody had it easy. children were brushed aside in the order of priorities. quality time was nigh nonexistent.
it is this quality time where the intangibles were usually taught or passed on, if you will, under normal circumstances. these times were erased by those desperate conditions spanning half a century. in a short expose like this, it's difficult to emphasize conditions of those days.
as a result, the intangibles that are so important to family structure are/were sorely diluted. each generation lost more because ';if you never had it in the first place how can you pass it on?';. therefore post war generations seem to get harsher as time go on.
I don't know
The bad behavior of kids today is due to the lack of good attention from loving parents. Many kids today are left to be on their own without any parental supervision, and with the Television as a babysitter. This implants the media's views to them at such a young age. Morals are not taught and so the children suffer because of it.
well sometimes it could be the parents but sometimes it is just the kids. kids in this generation are seeing new things that were not introduced in older years. they see more gangs and more drugs. sometimes it is the parents. some parents are never around at home. they come late at night from work. i belive this is y many kids rnt behaving.
I think generation after generation has asked the same question. However, the nature of the problems does appear to be getting worse. It's a matter of raising kids without a father. Also TV undermines parents authority. Believe it cause it's the truth!
You may not have been one of those kids, or even seen them when you were younger but they were there. I'm sorry if seeing pregnant teenagers offends you, but you could probably do something to help it, rather than spending your time whining on Yahoo Answers. Not that I'm saying it's right, but who are you to complain if you're not doing anything to help?
Everything happens for a reason. Just because there is a young woman having sex and getting pregnant, doesnt mean these babies arent going to be raised properly. Some of the younger mothers may raise their children to be good people, while older moms may neglect or abuse their children. (or, of course, vice versa) Age is nothing but a number. I recently read on the news an older couple got charged for killing their 4 year old with PRESCRIPTION drugs! and did you know world famous, and inspiring LANCE ARMSTRONG's mother was 17 when she had him?? She was young when she had him but she raised him right. Maybe you can just mind your own business, and stop giving those poor young girls dirty looks in the docs office!!!
Don't just blame it on the kids, it's the parents fault too. If the parents don't know how to take care of their children and discipline them, how do you think their going to act?
Some kids act out because they want attention, some have been badly hurt raped, and abused. Have you ever even thought about that?
I can answer that with one word: Discipline!!!
There isn't any. The parents took it away from the schools %26amp; Child Protective Services have taken it away from the parents. You are not allowed to disipline your children. They have no consequences for their actions!!!!
Why do you care? It's their life and things happen for a reason, The way they deal with it makes them who they are. Whats wrong with bringing a life into this world a little young? If it doesnt affect you personally than i dont see what the problem is? It's people like you who make these young women feel inferior and thats the last thing they need when their raising a child of their own. and quite possibly, on their own.
It's a trickle-down effect through the generations. Every generation gets a little more bold and rebellious. I think the teens today see that some of the huge problems we have today could be easily defeated and the government/rich people of the country choose not to do anything because of greed. I think the political system also has had a trickle-down effect. I'm not trying to argue with you, I do think today's teenagers, myself included, are worse group in general. However, there are very many good kids still. It's sad to see when a 12-13 year old child is screaming at their mom or dad when they won't buy them an outrageously expensive pair of shoes, for example. I do agree that parents are letting the kids run the show. Children should have a little fear of their parents, it's natural. Anyways, I enjoyed your question, more people should be asking these types of questions.
I just read a news article today that said teen births are way down in Canada this past decade, so it could be you're just noticing them more now. Oh, but I also see reports that say abortion rates are going steadily down in the States (so are teen pregnancies, but not by as much). So maybe all these potbellied teens have been convinced through religious influence to have their babies, whereas in your days they had them discreetly aborted?
Teenage pregnancies disgust me a little too, but not as much as those pro-celebacy sex-ed courses that don't mention birth control at all, and religious families who force their kids into a life of early motherhood without telling them they have a choice.
hey?! not all teenagers are like that u know. im never rude to my mom, she would whoop my ***...that is total stereotype.
why are we so horrible? because we've got people like you judging us every second of the day. don't forget those of us who are straight A honor student's and don't go around with our legs wide open. I'm a 15 year old girl who is saving herself for marriage. never have and never will touch drugs, and wouldn't dare disrespect or disobey my parents or any other authority figure.don't just look at a teenager and think that he/she is bad. ur stereotyping us. stop it.
Hmmm...Didn't you say you had sex as a teenager? You did the deed, just didn't get caught so to say.
Ok, so are you a parent? No? Then could you possibly have any idea what it is like to have a teenage child? And all that crap up there that someone answered about ';bad parenting';? Give me a freaking break. When you have children of your own, then speak about WHY a child is the way they are. Good lord. From the beginning of time there have been teens that dont do or say or act the way their parents think they should. Not because they were raised poorly, but because they develop minds and ideas of their own. Believe it or not, teens friends have a HUGE influence on them. HUGE! And I am not saying that the way parents or adults act doesn't influence a child, because in some ways it does, but, once that child is older, they develop what they believe is their own morals and ideas of who and what they want to be. Teen pregnancy is a really big problem in our world today. But who do we blame? The child for getting knocked up? The parent for allowing them the ';freedom'; to have the opportunity to get knocked up? It is what it is, and at that point it is a little too late to lay blame. I believe in arming my children with INFORMATION and EDUCATION to make their own choices. It isn't about putting your foot down. It is about allowing your child to grow and giving them the best tools that you possibly can to make smart choices. And even with all that you could possibly give them, they are STILL going to do what they want. Welcome to the real world, as messy as it may seem to you.
we all know that habits and manners, good or bad, begin in the home so my blame is placed solely on bad parenting!!!!!
I think you answered your own question, at least partially anyway. It IS the parents responsibility to put their foot down and keep their kids out of trouble. Personally, I never would have dreamed of doing most of the things kids these days do all the time! My dad would have broken my legs(figuratively speaking of course!)! I had a stay at home mom when I was young as well and I ended up being very close with her. I think that parents(not all, but a lot) are not as involved as they should be. I think that when you have two working parents you get less attention as a child than you should. The parents come home exhausted from a stressful day at work, and maybe unintentionally don't focus on their kids lives as much. I also think that the things that kids and teens see on t.v now is just as bad as an influence as anything else! Gang bangers get glamorized and violence is all over the place in the movies now days. Celebrities can't stay married, are caught cheating, and get praised for deciding not to ever get married. They decide to have kids with people they barely know, or decide to have children together and never get married. I just don't think that it sets a good example for the youth of America....or the rest of the world. The morals just aren't there. It is our job as parents to make sure that strong morals are instilled into our children at a very young age. We should also be open as a parent, so that when our child does something wrong, they can come to us about it and not hide it or lie about it.
I think part of it is lack of discipline. I mean, 20 years ago, it seemed so different. Kids did not scream and throw fits as bad as they do now! I don't believe in abuse but good disciple is key in my book. Then, you get these parents that panic every time their kid cries just because they want to go out with their little friends at 2:00 in the morning and do whatever they want; parents don't know what to do because their kid puts of such a scene and discipline laws are so entirely strict that the parent feels lost. As far as teen pregnancy goes, I don't understand it. Really, I blame a lot of it on television and peer pressure from it. Kids tease other kids for being virgins and it's wrong. (that sort of teasing came from my middle and high school) Some get pregnant for attention (which is sad they have to resort to that) and some find it a ';funny'; thing. (as if it's a joke) I also hear of child prostitution...is that mostly the parent's fault on that one?
With all the teenage pregnancy going on i think that the parent's needs to start putting their foot down and stop letting their kids do as they please. I am sick of seeing all these little teenage girls at the doctor office with their bellies poking out and they think they are so grown but who are they their with? Their mommies because they know they are still little kids and can't do it on their own.
What are their problems. This is a question that i would like to know the answer to and it is not directed towards anyone here on Yahoo Answers.What is wrong with all these unruly teenagers today?
the problem with teenagers today is that they do not believe in having morals and high standards like people did years ago. they would rather be pregnant and jobless then to do the right things. this is partly due to the parents of these kids. kids who are this way most likely come from parents who are that way too. i used to work at a school program where i had teens in it and there were some that cussed, threatened, and everything else imaginable and when i would talk to the parents about what was going on they would act the same way if not worse than the teens did. i don't have any sympathy for parents like this because they bring it on themselves. it is just plain sad that teens seem to be in this situation in an earlier and earlier age all of the time. maybe one of these days things will improve but i don't look for it in the near future. hope this helps. good luck.What is wrong with all these unruly teenagers today?
I think you should be careful in generalising that we are ALL like that. I'm a teen, I have never smoked, never done drugs, and I do not parade myself about with a big red banner saying 'I want sex'! We're not all that f***ed up you know!
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There have always been and will always be unruly and pregnant teens. Get over it.
I don't know...and I have to go to school with a bunch of unruly kids everyday!!! :( But no one I know is pregnant...and I only know like 2 people who have actually had sex.
I am almost 14 and the group of people I hang out with is known as the ';good'; kids.
I am saving myself until marriage, and I haven't even ever had my first kiss, or a boyfriend. I never will touch drugs, or even alcohol, I have made a vow to myself.
Bad parenting, and the world isn't as Innocent as it used to be. Teens now see and know more about things than back in the day. But mostly bad parenting.
It's always been like that
i think its becasue parents arent allowed to disipline there kids as the would off back then when you were a teen like how old are u 20 ? even back then you could disiplin ur kids then you would or if your 80 you could have disiplined your kids diffrent and all this stuff on mtv about how u can not get pregnant and do all this bad stuff
Times change and so does moral values
The parents do play a huge part on how kids act these days. If the parents don't care then the kids will grow up thinking they can do anything no matter the concequences. I think parents are more worried about being their chidrens friends first and then the parent. They don't want their kids to hate them and want them to be happy. They don't teach their kids what would happen if they do something wrong so they think they can just get away with it and their parents will take care of it for them.
I can say, I never acted like kids now days when I was growing up. I didn't get in trouble, listened to my parents, didn't drink or do drugs, and didn't think I could get away with murder like some kids think they can now days. I know if I did try to do these things, I would get in serious trouble from my parents, no not a serious beating, but my punishment would have been more than no tv or video games for a day or two. My parents were parents first, that was their job, and now I thank them for it and we are close. Not because they let me do what ever I wanted, but because they cared enough to teach me what was right and wrong and put their foot down when it needed to be done.
Atleast where I live, the government is stepping in and telling parents what they can and can't do as parents to raise their chidren right. They can't spank them, put them in time outs for very long, take things away from them and so on. They are now saying if you do any of those things, it's child abuse. Well, what are parents to do if their children misbehave and they can't even punish them for it? The government really needs to let parents be parents and only step in if the child is really being abused and not just getting a swat on the butt because they did something wrong. Yes I got spankings, things taken away from me, timeouts, and such and was never abused and the government stayed out of it. It's really sad what is happening to the youth now days.
don't you know?! the media is always overreacting!!!
also, you were just a goody goody tooshoes as a kid.
you might have a point with parents, tho. They really are giving their kids too much freedom.
there is a total lack of respect and maturity in today's youth because of one major reason. lack of discipline. over the last 20-30 years there has been a greater emphasis on protecting children from abusive parents/guardians than ever before. before this time even though there was a lot of abuse going on(behind closed doors), society allowed parents and schools to discipline children. today, children are well protected from abuse, but the ability of schools and even parents to discipline children has all but vanished. some people don't believe that smacking a child on the hand or the behind is effective in disciplining children. usually these are people without children, or they only have one child. some children need a spanking once in awhile. i know that there are other reasons to this problem, like increases in violence on TV, both parents working, increases in single parent homes, etc.. but i think my argument is valid.
in the twentieth century there were three great catastrophes that disrupted family order and values; 1. first world war 2. the depression 3. second world war.
during these awful times, nobody had it easy. children were brushed aside in the order of priorities. quality time was nigh nonexistent.
it is this quality time where the intangibles were usually taught or passed on, if you will, under normal circumstances. these times were erased by those desperate conditions spanning half a century. in a short expose like this, it's difficult to emphasize conditions of those days.
as a result, the intangibles that are so important to family structure are/were sorely diluted. each generation lost more because ';if you never had it in the first place how can you pass it on?';. therefore post war generations seem to get harsher as time go on.
I don't know
The bad behavior of kids today is due to the lack of good attention from loving parents. Many kids today are left to be on their own without any parental supervision, and with the Television as a babysitter. This implants the media's views to them at such a young age. Morals are not taught and so the children suffer because of it.
well sometimes it could be the parents but sometimes it is just the kids. kids in this generation are seeing new things that were not introduced in older years. they see more gangs and more drugs. sometimes it is the parents. some parents are never around at home. they come late at night from work. i belive this is y many kids rnt behaving.
I think generation after generation has asked the same question. However, the nature of the problems does appear to be getting worse. It's a matter of raising kids without a father. Also TV undermines parents authority. Believe it cause it's the truth!
You may not have been one of those kids, or even seen them when you were younger but they were there. I'm sorry if seeing pregnant teenagers offends you, but you could probably do something to help it, rather than spending your time whining on Yahoo Answers. Not that I'm saying it's right, but who are you to complain if you're not doing anything to help?
Everything happens for a reason. Just because there is a young woman having sex and getting pregnant, doesnt mean these babies arent going to be raised properly. Some of the younger mothers may raise their children to be good people, while older moms may neglect or abuse their children. (or, of course, vice versa) Age is nothing but a number. I recently read on the news an older couple got charged for killing their 4 year old with PRESCRIPTION drugs! and did you know world famous, and inspiring LANCE ARMSTRONG's mother was 17 when she had him?? She was young when she had him but she raised him right. Maybe you can just mind your own business, and stop giving those poor young girls dirty looks in the docs office!!!
Don't just blame it on the kids, it's the parents fault too. If the parents don't know how to take care of their children and discipline them, how do you think their going to act?
Some kids act out because they want attention, some have been badly hurt raped, and abused. Have you ever even thought about that?
I can answer that with one word: Discipline!!!
There isn't any. The parents took it away from the schools %26amp; Child Protective Services have taken it away from the parents. You are not allowed to disipline your children. They have no consequences for their actions!!!!
Why do you care? It's their life and things happen for a reason, The way they deal with it makes them who they are. Whats wrong with bringing a life into this world a little young? If it doesnt affect you personally than i dont see what the problem is? It's people like you who make these young women feel inferior and thats the last thing they need when their raising a child of their own. and quite possibly, on their own.
It's a trickle-down effect through the generations. Every generation gets a little more bold and rebellious. I think the teens today see that some of the huge problems we have today could be easily defeated and the government/rich people of the country choose not to do anything because of greed. I think the political system also has had a trickle-down effect. I'm not trying to argue with you, I do think today's teenagers, myself included, are worse group in general. However, there are very many good kids still. It's sad to see when a 12-13 year old child is screaming at their mom or dad when they won't buy them an outrageously expensive pair of shoes, for example. I do agree that parents are letting the kids run the show. Children should have a little fear of their parents, it's natural. Anyways, I enjoyed your question, more people should be asking these types of questions.
I just read a news article today that said teen births are way down in Canada this past decade, so it could be you're just noticing them more now. Oh, but I also see reports that say abortion rates are going steadily down in the States (so are teen pregnancies, but not by as much). So maybe all these potbellied teens have been convinced through religious influence to have their babies, whereas in your days they had them discreetly aborted?
Teenage pregnancies disgust me a little too, but not as much as those pro-celebacy sex-ed courses that don't mention birth control at all, and religious families who force their kids into a life of early motherhood without telling them they have a choice.
hey?! not all teenagers are like that u know. im never rude to my mom, she would whoop my ***...that is total stereotype.
why are we so horrible? because we've got people like you judging us every second of the day. don't forget those of us who are straight A honor student's and don't go around with our legs wide open. I'm a 15 year old girl who is saving herself for marriage. never have and never will touch drugs, and wouldn't dare disrespect or disobey my parents or any other authority figure.don't just look at a teenager and think that he/she is bad. ur stereotyping us. stop it.
Hmmm...Didn't you say you had sex as a teenager? You did the deed, just didn't get caught so to say.
Ok, so are you a parent? No? Then could you possibly have any idea what it is like to have a teenage child? And all that crap up there that someone answered about ';bad parenting';? Give me a freaking break. When you have children of your own, then speak about WHY a child is the way they are. Good lord. From the beginning of time there have been teens that dont do or say or act the way their parents think they should. Not because they were raised poorly, but because they develop minds and ideas of their own. Believe it or not, teens friends have a HUGE influence on them. HUGE! And I am not saying that the way parents or adults act doesn't influence a child, because in some ways it does, but, once that child is older, they develop what they believe is their own morals and ideas of who and what they want to be. Teen pregnancy is a really big problem in our world today. But who do we blame? The child for getting knocked up? The parent for allowing them the ';freedom'; to have the opportunity to get knocked up? It is what it is, and at that point it is a little too late to lay blame. I believe in arming my children with INFORMATION and EDUCATION to make their own choices. It isn't about putting your foot down. It is about allowing your child to grow and giving them the best tools that you possibly can to make smart choices. And even with all that you could possibly give them, they are STILL going to do what they want. Welcome to the real world, as messy as it may seem to you.
we all know that habits and manners, good or bad, begin in the home so my blame is placed solely on bad parenting!!!!!
I think you answered your own question, at least partially anyway. It IS the parents responsibility to put their foot down and keep their kids out of trouble. Personally, I never would have dreamed of doing most of the things kids these days do all the time! My dad would have broken my legs(figuratively speaking of course!)! I had a stay at home mom when I was young as well and I ended up being very close with her. I think that parents(not all, but a lot) are not as involved as they should be. I think that when you have two working parents you get less attention as a child than you should. The parents come home exhausted from a stressful day at work, and maybe unintentionally don't focus on their kids lives as much. I also think that the things that kids and teens see on t.v now is just as bad as an influence as anything else! Gang bangers get glamorized and violence is all over the place in the movies now days. Celebrities can't stay married, are caught cheating, and get praised for deciding not to ever get married. They decide to have kids with people they barely know, or decide to have children together and never get married. I just don't think that it sets a good example for the youth of America....or the rest of the world. The morals just aren't there. It is our job as parents to make sure that strong morals are instilled into our children at a very young age. We should also be open as a parent, so that when our child does something wrong, they can come to us about it and not hide it or lie about it.
I think part of it is lack of discipline. I mean, 20 years ago, it seemed so different. Kids did not scream and throw fits as bad as they do now! I don't believe in abuse but good disciple is key in my book. Then, you get these parents that panic every time their kid cries just because they want to go out with their little friends at 2:00 in the morning and do whatever they want; parents don't know what to do because their kid puts of such a scene and discipline laws are so entirely strict that the parent feels lost. As far as teen pregnancy goes, I don't understand it. Really, I blame a lot of it on television and peer pressure from it. Kids tease other kids for being virgins and it's wrong. (that sort of teasing came from my middle and high school) Some get pregnant for attention (which is sad they have to resort to that) and some find it a ';funny'; thing. (as if it's a joke) I also hear of child prostitution...is that mostly the parent's fault on that one?
What types of things are there for teenagers to do in Kamuela/Waimea,Hawaii?
Our family will be moving to the Big Island this year, are there teen functions,places the kids congregate?What types of things are there for teenagers to do in Kamuela/Waimea,Hawaii?
BEACH and hula is fun. it is good exercise and if you're kids are guys then they'll like to watch. teens probably hang out at the mall or beach. mainly beach.What types of things are there for teenagers to do in Kamuela/Waimea,Hawaii?
It's a real country area.
BEACH and hula is fun. it is good exercise and if you're kids are guys then they'll like to watch. teens probably hang out at the mall or beach. mainly beach.What types of things are there for teenagers to do in Kamuela/Waimea,Hawaii?
It's a real country area.
Would people have been ok with Bush ordering the execution of 3 black muslim teenagers?
It was just told that the three pirates who Obama ordered killed were between the ages of 17 and 19. If this had been Bush who ordered these killings, would the reaction had been as positive?
Don't get me wrong, i have no problem with what was done, just wondering what the reaction would have been if it was ordered by our last commander in chief.Would people have been ok with Bush ordering the execution of 3 black muslim teenagers?
would have been all over the news if bush did it
but all you see an the news now is obamas new dogWould people have been ok with Bush ordering the execution of 3 black muslim teenagers?
Bush would not have ordered any such executions. Nor did Obama.
They were not executions. They were shots fired to save the life of an American Sea Captain, a very brave man.
The decision was made by the senior military officer on site.
By making this decision he saved Captain Phillips life.
The age of the bad guys is totally irrelevant. They deserved to die and they did.
Please don't try the juvenile tactic of making a political issue of what is obviously a military decision.
Every body is making a big deal out of their age. How many american soldiers are getting blown up in Iraq that are that age? These 17 and19 year olds would sure as hell killed the captain if they weren't killed first.
Right on Brother
Bush would have been called every name in the bookliquid eye liner
Don't get me wrong, i have no problem with what was done, just wondering what the reaction would have been if it was ordered by our last commander in chief.Would people have been ok with Bush ordering the execution of 3 black muslim teenagers?
would have been all over the news if bush did it
but all you see an the news now is obamas new dogWould people have been ok with Bush ordering the execution of 3 black muslim teenagers?
Bush would not have ordered any such executions. Nor did Obama.
They were not executions. They were shots fired to save the life of an American Sea Captain, a very brave man.
The decision was made by the senior military officer on site.
By making this decision he saved Captain Phillips life.
The age of the bad guys is totally irrelevant. They deserved to die and they did.
Please don't try the juvenile tactic of making a political issue of what is obviously a military decision.
Every body is making a big deal out of their age. How many american soldiers are getting blown up in Iraq that are that age? These 17 and19 year olds would sure as hell killed the captain if they weren't killed first.
Right on Brother
Bush would have been called every name in the book
Is there a beginning dance class for teenagers?
Ive been taking dance at school for the past 2 years and I love it. My teacher says Im really good, and that i have potential to be great. I never took dance when i was little but i took gymnastics. I would like to take either ballet, jazz, or contemporary. Is there a beginning class for a 17 year old. I live near Joliet, IL! Suburb of Chicago!Is there a beginning dance class for teenagers?
Go on to google then enter ';dance studios (your zip code)'; then you'll see a list of about 5 dance studios that are nearest to your location. Check out their websites and see if they have any beginning classes in the styles you like. Some may list the classes as beginning teen, beginning adult, or beginning teen/adult. At your age of 17, I think you would feel comfortable in any of these classes.
However, you better hurry up! Most dance studios have already started their fall quarter and will be closing registration soon. You probably have about a two week window until registration closes and then you would have to wait until January for registration to open again.
Good luck with your search. You will absolutely love dance!Is there a beginning dance class for teenagers?
Well, you should find your nearest dance school and see if you like it there or not, and what they offer. Most places will have pre-primary and primary, grades (of which mainly consist of anyone as young as what, 12? and up], and you can get adult classes too. Don't let that hold you back though. I only started nearly two years ago, and I'm 16 now, grade four modern, and I'm only grade two tap, but I haven't been doing that for long.
Chances are, that unless the school is really popular, there won't be a teenage beginners class, but don't let that stop you :)
Good luck ;D
There is always a begginging class. You might have to take the adult class though.
Go on to google then enter ';dance studios (your zip code)'; then you'll see a list of about 5 dance studios that are nearest to your location. Check out their websites and see if they have any beginning classes in the styles you like. Some may list the classes as beginning teen, beginning adult, or beginning teen/adult. At your age of 17, I think you would feel comfortable in any of these classes.
However, you better hurry up! Most dance studios have already started their fall quarter and will be closing registration soon. You probably have about a two week window until registration closes and then you would have to wait until January for registration to open again.
Good luck with your search. You will absolutely love dance!Is there a beginning dance class for teenagers?
Well, you should find your nearest dance school and see if you like it there or not, and what they offer. Most places will have pre-primary and primary, grades (of which mainly consist of anyone as young as what, 12? and up], and you can get adult classes too. Don't let that hold you back though. I only started nearly two years ago, and I'm 16 now, grade four modern, and I'm only grade two tap, but I haven't been doing that for long.
Chances are, that unless the school is really popular, there won't be a teenage beginners class, but don't let that stop you :)
Good luck ;D
There is always a begginging class. You might have to take the adult class though.
Should teenagers be charged as adults in criminal cases?
I have to write an essay on whether or not teenagers should be charged as adults in criminal cases.
Any help would be appreciated and please post your sources.Should teenagers be charged as adults in criminal cases?
No. science is clear that teenagers do not have the same emotional and mental faculty as adults, including 18 years olds. The specific areas of the brain that control impulsive behavior, for example, are not fully developed until about the age of 20 in most people.
While ';they were old enough to do an adult crime'; is a seductively simple slogan, it's just that, a slogan without real meaning.
The lunacy of this policy is demonstrated when they propose to try an 8 year old as an adult for murder. An 8 year old cannot possibly comprehend the seriousness of that crime, or form the requisite intentions needed to act on it.
What would make sense is a set of sliding standards that either take into account age or measure emotional and mental development and assign responsibility accordingly.
OK put in the TD's now.Should teenagers be charged as adults in criminal cases?
Hi Tom,
Well, it does depend on the crime and the set of circumstances you are actually looking at. As well, was there premedation involved, another words, did the person or person plan the crime. There mental state, at the time of the crime. Um, can you show the reckless reguard for human life? What do the forenic evidence, show in that particular case?
Here are some websites, that might help, down below in the, what's your source. I hope this helps you out, good luck.
Depends on the crime. Murder, yes. Theft, maybe not. Drugs, depending on what drug. My opinion.
That depends on the crime. The human brain isn't developed until a person is 19 or 20, making it physically impossible for some teenagers to make rational decisions.
It very much depend on the age, maturity of the teenager. If say the person was only 13 years-old, no, charging a child as an adult would not be an appropriate. However, if say, the teenager were 19 years-old, they very well know the consequences, that their behavior is wrong, yes, they should be charged as adults. The reason why younger teens shouldn't treated as adults law wise is due to the fact half of them don't even know the consequences of their transactions. How many kids have you seen or heard stealing a bubblegum or calling their friends names, such as, ';gay,'; ';dumb***,'; etc., or even sexually harassing or ';flirting'; or a girl? They don't realize the extent to the punishment, such as getting sued, going to jail, probation, etc. To them it's all a joke. When you're 18 or 19, however, you're fully matured, and should know the consequences of your actions, and should have enough self-control to know not to do certain things. Also, it is called ';adult'; cases for a reason, that being it was meant to be treated as adults. But with certain crimes, murder, for example, age should not be a factor, and the court should decide on the fate of the suspect, without age coming into mind.
depends on the crime and how old they are i guess
Any help would be appreciated and please post your sources.Should teenagers be charged as adults in criminal cases?
No. science is clear that teenagers do not have the same emotional and mental faculty as adults, including 18 years olds. The specific areas of the brain that control impulsive behavior, for example, are not fully developed until about the age of 20 in most people.
While ';they were old enough to do an adult crime'; is a seductively simple slogan, it's just that, a slogan without real meaning.
The lunacy of this policy is demonstrated when they propose to try an 8 year old as an adult for murder. An 8 year old cannot possibly comprehend the seriousness of that crime, or form the requisite intentions needed to act on it.
What would make sense is a set of sliding standards that either take into account age or measure emotional and mental development and assign responsibility accordingly.
OK put in the TD's now.Should teenagers be charged as adults in criminal cases?
Hi Tom,
Well, it does depend on the crime and the set of circumstances you are actually looking at. As well, was there premedation involved, another words, did the person or person plan the crime. There mental state, at the time of the crime. Um, can you show the reckless reguard for human life? What do the forenic evidence, show in that particular case?
Here are some websites, that might help, down below in the, what's your source. I hope this helps you out, good luck.
Depends on the crime. Murder, yes. Theft, maybe not. Drugs, depending on what drug. My opinion.
That depends on the crime. The human brain isn't developed until a person is 19 or 20, making it physically impossible for some teenagers to make rational decisions.
It very much depend on the age, maturity of the teenager. If say the person was only 13 years-old, no, charging a child as an adult would not be an appropriate. However, if say, the teenager were 19 years-old, they very well know the consequences, that their behavior is wrong, yes, they should be charged as adults. The reason why younger teens shouldn't treated as adults law wise is due to the fact half of them don't even know the consequences of their transactions. How many kids have you seen or heard stealing a bubblegum or calling their friends names, such as, ';gay,'; ';dumb***,'; etc., or even sexually harassing or ';flirting'; or a girl? They don't realize the extent to the punishment, such as getting sued, going to jail, probation, etc. To them it's all a joke. When you're 18 or 19, however, you're fully matured, and should know the consequences of your actions, and should have enough self-control to know not to do certain things. Also, it is called ';adult'; cases for a reason, that being it was meant to be treated as adults. But with certain crimes, murder, for example, age should not be a factor, and the court should decide on the fate of the suspect, without age coming into mind.
depends on the crime and how old they are i guess
Has anyone had tubes put in a teenagers ears? How did it go?
He has had lots of problems with fluid pressure. He is now 15 and has alot of allergies but as a small kid he never had many ear infections at all.Has anyone had tubes put in a teenagers ears? How did it go?
My son had tube in his ears. It was the best thing ever. He had constant ear infections and was on antibiotic therapy--which was stupid because after awhile, no antibiotics would work. He had constant ear infections for years that wouldn't respond to anything. Finally, an ears, nose, throat doctor scheduled him for a tubal ligation. It took only 5 minutes, they put him to sleep, and he has never had an ear infection or allergies since. This was about 5 years ago. The tubes are so tiny they cannot be seen. After awhile, they fall out and you never even know it. There was no pain from the surgery, Tylenol if needed. I hope your son has the same luck. Good luck to him!Has anyone had tubes put in a teenagers ears? How did it go?
this is a very common thing that usually gets done when the cild is still a todler in order to prevent any possible hearing disabillities and further ear infections. if he never had ear infections before than there was really no way of you knowing about it.
its a very simple procedure and my neice just had it done (1 year) she now has an aproximate 30% hearing increase and has started talking now that she can understand what we are saying easier.
if he needs them than definitely do it, its worth it and its a simple procedure. good luck, he'll hear better
My son had tube in his ears. It was the best thing ever. He had constant ear infections and was on antibiotic therapy--which was stupid because after awhile, no antibiotics would work. He had constant ear infections for years that wouldn't respond to anything. Finally, an ears, nose, throat doctor scheduled him for a tubal ligation. It took only 5 minutes, they put him to sleep, and he has never had an ear infection or allergies since. This was about 5 years ago. The tubes are so tiny they cannot be seen. After awhile, they fall out and you never even know it. There was no pain from the surgery, Tylenol if needed. I hope your son has the same luck. Good luck to him!Has anyone had tubes put in a teenagers ears? How did it go?
this is a very common thing that usually gets done when the cild is still a todler in order to prevent any possible hearing disabillities and further ear infections. if he never had ear infections before than there was really no way of you knowing about it.
its a very simple procedure and my neice just had it done (1 year) she now has an aproximate 30% hearing increase and has started talking now that she can understand what we are saying easier.
if he needs them than definitely do it, its worth it and its a simple procedure. good luck, he'll hear better
What do you blame on the 27 teenagers murdered in london last year and the many more to come?
I knew two who were stabbed last year, and both cases were over gang-wars. Is it twisted gang-culture? What do you think can be done?What do you blame on the 27 teenagers murdered in london last year and the many more to come?
You're right, Twisted gang culture.What do you blame on the 27 teenagers murdered in london last year and the many more to come?
Wait until they kill each other off...then the rest of us can live in peace.
i really didnt think their society was like that. i expected it to be better than America today. i guess every country is headed to hell
Keeps the herd thin
something can but done but we all know nothing will be i think its disgusting and im only 19 cant no one sort stuff out by talking or just fistycuffs any more or have you got to prove a point that your not to be messed with because you carry a knife when i was at school and that i was scared of someone who could fight carrying a knife means you are really a p..u..s..s..y
Wow if theses murders were in America, there would be a TON of trashy comment right now.
It goes to show the rest of the world is biased against us.
You're right, Twisted gang culture.What do you blame on the 27 teenagers murdered in london last year and the many more to come?
Wait until they kill each other off...then the rest of us can live in peace.
i really didnt think their society was like that. i expected it to be better than America today. i guess every country is headed to hell
Keeps the herd thin
something can but done but we all know nothing will be i think its disgusting and im only 19 cant no one sort stuff out by talking or just fistycuffs any more or have you got to prove a point that your not to be messed with because you carry a knife when i was at school and that i was scared of someone who could fight carrying a knife means you are really a p..u..s..s..y
Wow if theses murders were in America, there would be a TON of trashy comment right now.
It goes to show the rest of the world is biased against us.
Do Teenagers in America learn how to drive as part of their schooling?
they show this on many american movies that teenagers are being taught how to drive in the school yard..is that true?
and do they pay for this? or are students taught for free to get a license?Do Teenagers in America learn how to drive as part of their schooling?
Here in rural Montana almost all teenagers take driver's education over the summer. It is free.
Around the U.S.A. it all depends on the school district, what they have money for and what the place value on.
As far as I know it is not a mandate by the Federal government, nor is it mandated by State governments. It is all up to the individual school districts.Do Teenagers in America learn how to drive as part of their schooling?
Yes, no and maybe.
Many American public schools do offer driver's education. It is usually given during the summer, and a way for some of the teachers to make some extra money, since there are no other classes at that time. Depending on the school district, it may be free, or it may be for a small fee.
In some locations, such as a school within New York City, where 90% of people do not own cars, it would not be offered. While in the more rural areas where a car are a necessity, it would be.
There are also separate driving schools where you can learn for a fee. Recent changes in the laws of most states now require that a person have several hours (in my state 100) of driving with an instructor or parent in the car to supervisor them before they can try for their license. Before, it was only 10 to 12 hours of driving. So most schools no longer want to provide that many hours for every student for free. So it is becoming cheaper and easier to hire a professional to take the child driving.
As for the school yard, when my kids where learning from a private instructor, they still did much of their practicing in the school parking lot. Where else can you find a large, open area like that, that is empty during summers and weekends, where they can do their initial driving without the danger of other traffic, parked cars, etc. The school lot is still a perfect place for learning to drive.
They are taught how to drive in classes. Then, they take a test in class. The driving portion is taken at a special driving place, with a teacher in the passenger side of the car. You do not have to pay for the class because it is in school.
They used to be but it's rare nowadays.
We had the option back in 1958 so I guess its still on. lol Lets see what others say.
and do they pay for this? or are students taught for free to get a license?Do Teenagers in America learn how to drive as part of their schooling?
Here in rural Montana almost all teenagers take driver's education over the summer. It is free.
Around the U.S.A. it all depends on the school district, what they have money for and what the place value on.
As far as I know it is not a mandate by the Federal government, nor is it mandated by State governments. It is all up to the individual school districts.Do Teenagers in America learn how to drive as part of their schooling?
Yes, no and maybe.
Many American public schools do offer driver's education. It is usually given during the summer, and a way for some of the teachers to make some extra money, since there are no other classes at that time. Depending on the school district, it may be free, or it may be for a small fee.
In some locations, such as a school within New York City, where 90% of people do not own cars, it would not be offered. While in the more rural areas where a car are a necessity, it would be.
There are also separate driving schools where you can learn for a fee. Recent changes in the laws of most states now require that a person have several hours (in my state 100) of driving with an instructor or parent in the car to supervisor them before they can try for their license. Before, it was only 10 to 12 hours of driving. So most schools no longer want to provide that many hours for every student for free. So it is becoming cheaper and easier to hire a professional to take the child driving.
As for the school yard, when my kids where learning from a private instructor, they still did much of their practicing in the school parking lot. Where else can you find a large, open area like that, that is empty during summers and weekends, where they can do their initial driving without the danger of other traffic, parked cars, etc. The school lot is still a perfect place for learning to drive.
They are taught how to drive in classes. Then, they take a test in class. The driving portion is taken at a special driving place, with a teacher in the passenger side of the car. You do not have to pay for the class because it is in school.
They used to be but it's rare nowadays.
We had the option back in 1958 so I guess its still on. lol Lets see what others say.
Do you think sex education for children/teenagers encourages sexual activity?
Do you not think it's better that they know the correct facts rather than playground chatter?Do you think sex education for children/teenagers encourages sexual activity?
It doesn't encourage it. Teenagers will be sexual active whether or not they are informed. It is important that they know how to protect themselves properly and don't follow any unsound advice.
The information provided can also be very beneficial. For example take two teens who have a condom break on them. Would you rather they know about the morning after pill or not?Do you think sex education for children/teenagers encourages sexual activity?
Well you tell me what is different now from 50 years ago when teenagers were not having sex at 13?
Yes we educate them more about sex, and this is definately part of the reason.
Another reason is that promisuity is now, wrongly in my opinion, generally not frowned upon, and those that do have sex often, even at that age, are championed as if they have something to be proud of.
So if we tell youngsters how to have sex and things like that even when they are not mature enough to understand the possible consequences ( children, infection, etc) then i think that in itself is a problem.
I also think their promisuity is down to their parents handling of the childs childhood. If they are taught proper morals and live in a safe, secure home, it is my opinion that they will have a much more mature attitude to sex than many others.
I understand it may be difficult for some to implement this, but in my opinion, raising of children should be the most important thing, regardless of what else is going on.
So to answer your question, sex education may not necessarily ';encourage'; sexual activity, but just by educating them on this subject we are leaving the door open for them to experiment, and more often than not people will.
At school, i found sex education useless, and it did not teach anything safe it just told you basically what sex was.
People are often told that sex can mean conceiving a child, but how many of you know that cervical cancer is due to an STI?
Surely if we promote educating them on sex we also promote sex, indirectly possibly, but we are still educating those that would not necessarily have previously know anything that we were teaching them about and we have now given them the tools to go and experiment.
So in short my opinion is yes, sex education do increase promiscuity, and until a person reaches roughly the age of 15, i think they should be told nothing more than the absolute basics.
I don't think it encourages it at all. In fact I think if kids new about sex they wouldn't want to do it so much, especially knowing all the diseases and stuff and what happens if you get them. I watched the sex education show series and it proved that teens and kids would rather talk about it, and the only reason they want to do it is because it's a taboo
I'm 13 and I personally would like more sexual education in my school. I had a little bit when I was 11 but they didn't explain the emotional things involved. Most stuff I know about sex now are rumors that I've forced out of girls that are 17. I hate how people say I'm a kid and that they don't want to tell me stuff. It actually makes me want to try it out more when I don't know that information than when I do know it
Knowledge about sex doesn't mean they will go out and do it but every child is different. For most, sex education will give them the information they need to make informed decisions on if they want to have sex or not, also how to protect themselves. But the education needs to extend pass the school room and into the home. Parents should be involved with it and reinforce it at home.
Yes, they need to know about themselves, but let's face it, STD's are running amok, and they need to be informed. Ignorance is not bliss, especially these days. I doubt very seriously that if you stook a straw poll that teens would say sex education encouraged them to be promiscuous, my #1 guess would be peer pressure and #2 would be sheer curiosity because everything you see these days has a sexual connotation.
tbh no because they need to know it , its a lrge part of life
however you should teach them the conseques
the thing that encourages sexual activity its parents not teaching them themselves what consequencs are and that it is a bad thing to be doing things like that at a young age I.e kids are bragging about things on the street because they think it makes them look good . urm no
however it is quite rediculous that kids are being taugh it at a rediculous age like 7
If anything i would think i deters it. But the sex education that i remember getting at school was too censored and not enough to scare me away from it lol .
But now that i am in college and learning about pregnancy and all that type of stuff,also having to watch a video of a live birth, o God that **** looks painful , and i dunno if i want my vag to go through all that stretching lol .
Sex ed or no sex ed, kids ARE going to have sex.
I 100% agree with sex ed. The proper facts should be readily accessible. I also believe in handing out condoms in school to promote safe sex.
I also think self esteem programs should be implemented in schools and go hand-in-hand with the sex ed programs. That, I believe, would curb teen pregnancy and STD's significantly.
I think that sex education is ok. I took it when I was in school. I would rather my kids know the facts than something they hear from a friend or elsewhere which might be wrong. Although I will have the talk with my kids well before that class even comes up. I do not think it forces or makes kids want to try it. They all make their own decisions about what they want to do some choose to wait while others do for it now.
well in my middle school when we learned about sex half of my grade had already done it so it wasn't a shocker to them but obviously it was to me lol. once they got all the right information they just went buck wild. i mean its good that the kids know but i starting to think (by judging the kids in my town) that by the time they have the class, its kinda late.
No, it doesn't encourage it at all.
In my opinion, people will choose to have sex when they choose to have sex, it is irrelevant whether they know the facts.
Therefore children/teenagers should be taught so that at least they are going into it with their eyes open.
No, I don't think it encourages it...It may scare them away from it...
Information is key to this problem...So much misinformation cannot
be tolerated...It's like people telling their kids those horrible old stories
- Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, etc - to ';teach'; them to behave.
no.. if they dont take sex ed then they grow up not knowing whats going on and they get pregnant.. they have no idea about pregnancy preventions or anything. then we have to pay for it. if i didnt take it in school i would probably be pregnant now.. i hate babies.. so there for i took the class and found out everything i wanted to know about it.
I do not think it encourages it because at some point they become curious. Being adequately informed at least gives them a better point of view. And when they do decide to have sex, which we all hope they have the presence of mind to wait, they will have known to practice safe sex.
Definitely not. It's best if they know all about safe sex and what's true %26amp; what's not. It doesn't exactly tell them go out and have sex, but when they do engage in an intimate relationship, it teaches them right from wrong and why you should be safe.
Well, the sex ed. you get in school is more to put you off.
Who wants to think of their teacher putting a condom on a cucumber when theyr doin it for the first time tbh?
and im a teen, it helps you more. and even without sex ed, the majority of ppl wud still be the same way
I think sex ed is helpfull! cause My mates kid is dead close to me and she comes to me about everything and if she ever comes to me about this i can tell er straight vtw my mate is 26 and her kid is only 7 nearly 8 and im a teenager myself!
majority of sex ed covers protection, and diseases,
it is a very good thing for kids to know so that they know what they are getting into before they do. And when they do get into they know how to stay safe.
no, i think the more info they have the better, people had babies and were totally ignorant for so long because they had no knowledge of how babies came to be, that was my mother talking and that is all i can say on it
The urge to engage in sex comes from within. Education can only improve the situation, as long as it is the right information.
in holland they teach everything from gay love to masturbating to sti's and onwards. They have the lowest teenage pregnancy rate, They must be doing something right.
of course it does but than again i would rather them know instead of finding out by trying out what they see on tv or anywhere else and protection is the best policy good luck
It doesn't. After the sex ed day in our school, everyone was just going ';eww...'; mainly because all they talked about was STDs.
There Going to do it regardless of what they know. But Sex Ed Is just helping them know whats right %26amp; wrong...contraception etc...
It definitely can.
i dont think encourages it , maybe encourages safer practices
im a teenager, and i find the information helpful,
not encouraging.
If it does, then I think its worth it. There are too many young teens out there getting pregnant.
I think so..
the class is just letting them know the ';what could happens';
i took it in High School..
Had my first kid at 17
~No.. did u watch 'the sex education show' last night? it actually asked this questionliquid eye liner
It doesn't encourage it. Teenagers will be sexual active whether or not they are informed. It is important that they know how to protect themselves properly and don't follow any unsound advice.
The information provided can also be very beneficial. For example take two teens who have a condom break on them. Would you rather they know about the morning after pill or not?Do you think sex education for children/teenagers encourages sexual activity?
Well you tell me what is different now from 50 years ago when teenagers were not having sex at 13?
Yes we educate them more about sex, and this is definately part of the reason.
Another reason is that promisuity is now, wrongly in my opinion, generally not frowned upon, and those that do have sex often, even at that age, are championed as if they have something to be proud of.
So if we tell youngsters how to have sex and things like that even when they are not mature enough to understand the possible consequences ( children, infection, etc) then i think that in itself is a problem.
I also think their promisuity is down to their parents handling of the childs childhood. If they are taught proper morals and live in a safe, secure home, it is my opinion that they will have a much more mature attitude to sex than many others.
I understand it may be difficult for some to implement this, but in my opinion, raising of children should be the most important thing, regardless of what else is going on.
So to answer your question, sex education may not necessarily ';encourage'; sexual activity, but just by educating them on this subject we are leaving the door open for them to experiment, and more often than not people will.
At school, i found sex education useless, and it did not teach anything safe it just told you basically what sex was.
People are often told that sex can mean conceiving a child, but how many of you know that cervical cancer is due to an STI?
Surely if we promote educating them on sex we also promote sex, indirectly possibly, but we are still educating those that would not necessarily have previously know anything that we were teaching them about and we have now given them the tools to go and experiment.
So in short my opinion is yes, sex education do increase promiscuity, and until a person reaches roughly the age of 15, i think they should be told nothing more than the absolute basics.
I don't think it encourages it at all. In fact I think if kids new about sex they wouldn't want to do it so much, especially knowing all the diseases and stuff and what happens if you get them. I watched the sex education show series and it proved that teens and kids would rather talk about it, and the only reason they want to do it is because it's a taboo
I'm 13 and I personally would like more sexual education in my school. I had a little bit when I was 11 but they didn't explain the emotional things involved. Most stuff I know about sex now are rumors that I've forced out of girls that are 17. I hate how people say I'm a kid and that they don't want to tell me stuff. It actually makes me want to try it out more when I don't know that information than when I do know it
Knowledge about sex doesn't mean they will go out and do it but every child is different. For most, sex education will give them the information they need to make informed decisions on if they want to have sex or not, also how to protect themselves. But the education needs to extend pass the school room and into the home. Parents should be involved with it and reinforce it at home.
Yes, they need to know about themselves, but let's face it, STD's are running amok, and they need to be informed. Ignorance is not bliss, especially these days. I doubt very seriously that if you stook a straw poll that teens would say sex education encouraged them to be promiscuous, my #1 guess would be peer pressure and #2 would be sheer curiosity because everything you see these days has a sexual connotation.
tbh no because they need to know it , its a lrge part of life
however you should teach them the conseques
the thing that encourages sexual activity its parents not teaching them themselves what consequencs are and that it is a bad thing to be doing things like that at a young age I.e kids are bragging about things on the street because they think it makes them look good . urm no
however it is quite rediculous that kids are being taugh it at a rediculous age like 7
If anything i would think i deters it. But the sex education that i remember getting at school was too censored and not enough to scare me away from it lol .
But now that i am in college and learning about pregnancy and all that type of stuff,also having to watch a video of a live birth, o God that **** looks painful , and i dunno if i want my vag to go through all that stretching lol .
Sex ed or no sex ed, kids ARE going to have sex.
I 100% agree with sex ed. The proper facts should be readily accessible. I also believe in handing out condoms in school to promote safe sex.
I also think self esteem programs should be implemented in schools and go hand-in-hand with the sex ed programs. That, I believe, would curb teen pregnancy and STD's significantly.
I think that sex education is ok. I took it when I was in school. I would rather my kids know the facts than something they hear from a friend or elsewhere which might be wrong. Although I will have the talk with my kids well before that class even comes up. I do not think it forces or makes kids want to try it. They all make their own decisions about what they want to do some choose to wait while others do for it now.
well in my middle school when we learned about sex half of my grade had already done it so it wasn't a shocker to them but obviously it was to me lol. once they got all the right information they just went buck wild. i mean its good that the kids know but i starting to think (by judging the kids in my town) that by the time they have the class, its kinda late.
No, it doesn't encourage it at all.
In my opinion, people will choose to have sex when they choose to have sex, it is irrelevant whether they know the facts.
Therefore children/teenagers should be taught so that at least they are going into it with their eyes open.
No, I don't think it encourages it...It may scare them away from it...
Information is key to this problem...So much misinformation cannot
be tolerated...It's like people telling their kids those horrible old stories
- Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, etc - to ';teach'; them to behave.
no.. if they dont take sex ed then they grow up not knowing whats going on and they get pregnant.. they have no idea about pregnancy preventions or anything. then we have to pay for it. if i didnt take it in school i would probably be pregnant now.. i hate babies.. so there for i took the class and found out everything i wanted to know about it.
I do not think it encourages it because at some point they become curious. Being adequately informed at least gives them a better point of view. And when they do decide to have sex, which we all hope they have the presence of mind to wait, they will have known to practice safe sex.
Definitely not. It's best if they know all about safe sex and what's true %26amp; what's not. It doesn't exactly tell them go out and have sex, but when they do engage in an intimate relationship, it teaches them right from wrong and why you should be safe.
Well, the sex ed. you get in school is more to put you off.
Who wants to think of their teacher putting a condom on a cucumber when theyr doin it for the first time tbh?
and im a teen, it helps you more. and even without sex ed, the majority of ppl wud still be the same way
I think sex ed is helpfull! cause My mates kid is dead close to me and she comes to me about everything and if she ever comes to me about this i can tell er straight vtw my mate is 26 and her kid is only 7 nearly 8 and im a teenager myself!
majority of sex ed covers protection, and diseases,
it is a very good thing for kids to know so that they know what they are getting into before they do. And when they do get into they know how to stay safe.
no, i think the more info they have the better, people had babies and were totally ignorant for so long because they had no knowledge of how babies came to be, that was my mother talking and that is all i can say on it
The urge to engage in sex comes from within. Education can only improve the situation, as long as it is the right information.
in holland they teach everything from gay love to masturbating to sti's and onwards. They have the lowest teenage pregnancy rate, They must be doing something right.
of course it does but than again i would rather them know instead of finding out by trying out what they see on tv or anywhere else and protection is the best policy good luck
It doesn't. After the sex ed day in our school, everyone was just going ';eww...'; mainly because all they talked about was STDs.
There Going to do it regardless of what they know. But Sex Ed Is just helping them know whats right %26amp; wrong...contraception etc...
It definitely can.
i dont think encourages it , maybe encourages safer practices
im a teenager, and i find the information helpful,
not encouraging.
If it does, then I think its worth it. There are too many young teens out there getting pregnant.
I think so..
the class is just letting them know the ';what could happens';
i took it in High School..
Had my first kid at 17
~No.. did u watch 'the sex education show' last night? it actually asked this question
What is the best sleeping pill for teenagers?
im having trouble sleeping, what sleeping pills are the best and safest for me. i'm 13, and of course i'll go see my GP first.What is the best sleeping pill for teenagers?
Unless their is a medical reason (e.g. pain etc) I don't think you can get sleeping pills under 18- in Aus anyway.
Chances are a GP will reccommed relaxation techniques or mild sedatives first, and full on sleeping pills as a last resort.
A sleeping study (go sleep in a lab and all kinds of things will be recorded) might be helpful to diagnose your condition.
Good luck.What is the best sleeping pill for teenagers?
There are many other things other then medication that you can try. For young children parents often establish a pattern so that the children instinctively learn when sleep time is nearing. You might like to try a warm bath, to relax, not a shower as it will be invigorating and wake you up. If you have air conditioning or a fan, try and cool the room down. These techniques are often used for young children, to help them sleep. You may also like to try Lavender which is associated with relaxation and sleep. Or even a short exercise routine of stretches to relax cramped muscles and joints.
No pill is good.
Eat well on time, do exercises regularly and have a good sleep.
do not worry, be happy.
Food is Medicine otherwise medicine will be your food!
Unless their is a medical reason (e.g. pain etc) I don't think you can get sleeping pills under 18- in Aus anyway.
Chances are a GP will reccommed relaxation techniques or mild sedatives first, and full on sleeping pills as a last resort.
A sleeping study (go sleep in a lab and all kinds of things will be recorded) might be helpful to diagnose your condition.
Good luck.What is the best sleeping pill for teenagers?
There are many other things other then medication that you can try. For young children parents often establish a pattern so that the children instinctively learn when sleep time is nearing. You might like to try a warm bath, to relax, not a shower as it will be invigorating and wake you up. If you have air conditioning or a fan, try and cool the room down. These techniques are often used for young children, to help them sleep. You may also like to try Lavender which is associated with relaxation and sleep. Or even a short exercise routine of stretches to relax cramped muscles and joints.
No pill is good.
Eat well on time, do exercises regularly and have a good sleep.
do not worry, be happy.
Food is Medicine otherwise medicine will be your food!
How much time do the majority of teenagers spend on Myspace etc.?
Hi this is for my english public speaking and i just need to do a bit of research and i just cant find any info, so... can all of the teens out there answer this, it would be really helpfulHow much time do the majority of teenagers spend on Myspace etc.?
um i usually only go on when I'm bored or one of my friends is on that i don't get to talk to that often. So it's usually about 4 to 5 hour's when I'm bored, 1 to 3 hours when I'm talking to friend's that i haven't talked to in a wile. There is the case for when your an anime freak like I am that you will be on for days at a time so you can update your profile and take people's edit requests and upload pictures and such (yes i know this doesn't sound like it would take a lot of time but it does trust me on this one.)How much time do the majority of teenagers spend on Myspace etc.?
Usually over an hour.
Which is very unhealthy /:
2 hours per week.
too much...
um i usually only go on when I'm bored or one of my friends is on that i don't get to talk to that often. So it's usually about 4 to 5 hour's when I'm bored, 1 to 3 hours when I'm talking to friend's that i haven't talked to in a wile. There is the case for when your an anime freak like I am that you will be on for days at a time so you can update your profile and take people's edit requests and upload pictures and such (yes i know this doesn't sound like it would take a lot of time but it does trust me on this one.)How much time do the majority of teenagers spend on Myspace etc.?
Usually over an hour.
Which is very unhealthy /:
2 hours per week.
too much...
Are teenagers more likely to be depressed than adults?
I know that there are different reasons for depression but, generally speaking.Are teenagers more likely to be depressed than adults?
Regarding the comment that teens have more problems than adults - I'm not saying there's no overlapping, but that really isn't true. Adults also have to put up with nasty people and relationship problems, in addition to responsibilities such as working full-time and staying on top of all kinds of bills, which isn't just a walk in the park. Especially in this economy, they often have to worry about having enough money to get by, and sometimes even being able to keep their home. Being married and having children also adds a lot of stress in life (not that they aren't pleasant experiences in the long run, though). It's not easy.
(And -PLEASE- no one tell me that I ';don't understand'; teenage angst - I was more miserable than most. I've had clinical depression since birth, my mom died when I was 13, I lost several friends to death in the few following years, I was abused, I was bullied, I was alone, and I was suicidal. For YEARS.)
Teens may be more susceptible to temporary depressed feelings because they're still in the midst of developing coping skills and not as strong as adults, but they say people 18-25 are the most commonly affected by clinical depression. So whether teens are most likely to be depressed kind of depends on whether you mean clinically.Are teenagers more likely to be depressed than adults?
The adult stress rate has rapidly increased in the past two years, due to the economic down fall. On the February stress survey it showed that for the first time after the great depression adults were stressed more teens.
Yes because they have so much to deal with and learn. The brain is not yet fully developed. Some adults never get a fully developed brain, due to trauma, so that's why a lot of people relapse in their depression as adults. It's sad but true.
yes. MUCH more likely. because the brain is still developing in teenagers, they do not have the stability that adults do. all hte hormones don't help either.
Generally, those between 15 and 24 are more prone to a depressive disorder than any other age group. Females are more likely to become depressed than males, overall.
Actual depression is most likely to be found in young adults (18-25)
I think teens suffer mostly from a kind of depression that comes from social anxiety.
Yes because teens have more stuff to deal with on a daliy bases then adults
most, but not all of them. It just depends on the situation they're on.
Regarding the comment that teens have more problems than adults - I'm not saying there's no overlapping, but that really isn't true. Adults also have to put up with nasty people and relationship problems, in addition to responsibilities such as working full-time and staying on top of all kinds of bills, which isn't just a walk in the park. Especially in this economy, they often have to worry about having enough money to get by, and sometimes even being able to keep their home. Being married and having children also adds a lot of stress in life (not that they aren't pleasant experiences in the long run, though). It's not easy.
(And -PLEASE- no one tell me that I ';don't understand'; teenage angst - I was more miserable than most. I've had clinical depression since birth, my mom died when I was 13, I lost several friends to death in the few following years, I was abused, I was bullied, I was alone, and I was suicidal. For YEARS.)
Teens may be more susceptible to temporary depressed feelings because they're still in the midst of developing coping skills and not as strong as adults, but they say people 18-25 are the most commonly affected by clinical depression. So whether teens are most likely to be depressed kind of depends on whether you mean clinically.Are teenagers more likely to be depressed than adults?
The adult stress rate has rapidly increased in the past two years, due to the economic down fall. On the February stress survey it showed that for the first time after the great depression adults were stressed more teens.
Yes because they have so much to deal with and learn. The brain is not yet fully developed. Some adults never get a fully developed brain, due to trauma, so that's why a lot of people relapse in their depression as adults. It's sad but true.
yes. MUCH more likely. because the brain is still developing in teenagers, they do not have the stability that adults do. all hte hormones don't help either.
Generally, those between 15 and 24 are more prone to a depressive disorder than any other age group. Females are more likely to become depressed than males, overall.
Actual depression is most likely to be found in young adults (18-25)
I think teens suffer mostly from a kind of depression that comes from social anxiety.
Yes because teens have more stuff to deal with on a daliy bases then adults
most, but not all of them. It just depends on the situation they're on.
What are the effects of rumors on teenagers?
I'm writing an essay on rumors for my English class.
What are the effects that negative rumors have on teenagers? Boys and girls.
Are there good things that can come out of these bad situations? If so, what are they?What are the effects of rumors on teenagers?
The biggest and most hurtful effect is the reputation of someone. Often, in high school culture (oh yes, it is its own culture) words are powerful and whether rumors are true make no difference. Once the damage is done, the teen is stuck with this label which affects their social experiences for the remainder of their time there.What are the effects of rumors on teenagers?
Well if the rumor was true, and the teen was ashamed, they will learn a life long lesson on how to behave next time. That there is a here after.! It could also benefit others who hear the rumor as to not make the same mistake. It may be a situation where it could scar someone for the rest of there life also. Sometimes people can't get over some things!.
There are a lot of rumurs that go through school and it depends on the way u look at it and deal with it. I had many rumors about me through school and it knowcked me down so fast that I almost dropped out of highschool. But then I realized I would be doing exactly what they wanted (to put others down to bring them higher) Well no Io didnt get to graduate and walk stage but I did get my diploma a month later and know that Im in college its a lot better because I know I there just to work toward my future while all those ppl that put me down either dropped out of high school or didnt go on to college, So just stick in there and just remember that rumers are an act of jealosy from the other person to put u down to bring them up! I hope everything will help!!
I have only heard rumors causing problems. I have heard that they cause anger, revenge,anoroxia ,bullemia,suicide.
Rumors can have devasting effects on teenagers because they haven't yet developed any coping skills. They feel defenseless against rumors.
People who engage in gossip and rumor-spreading are not kind. If you engage in rumors, it tells me something about your character. I doubt if I would want to be friends with you, because you will do it to me too.
I suppose if you learn something about gossip, when it happens to you, you might choose to not do it to someone else. That is a positive thing. You have learned to not do it.
One thing about passing rumors, is that just like the ';telephone game';, it often is not the same rumor anymore. People have forgotten parts and other people have added parts.
riots, pissed off people, and you might want to let the bodies hit the floor. and make derek mad
there is'nt any thing good. A bunch of mean girls decide to disc some girl and they are brutal until they get them out.
That is why we have small classes of home schooled kids.
Because the bullys won't stop until they get them out.
rumors are terrible. i don`t know of a good thing that comes out of it except the satisfaction of questioning and busting the person(s) who said it..well for me i get that satisfaction.
What are the effects that negative rumors have on teenagers? Boys and girls.
Are there good things that can come out of these bad situations? If so, what are they?What are the effects of rumors on teenagers?
The biggest and most hurtful effect is the reputation of someone. Often, in high school culture (oh yes, it is its own culture) words are powerful and whether rumors are true make no difference. Once the damage is done, the teen is stuck with this label which affects their social experiences for the remainder of their time there.What are the effects of rumors on teenagers?
Well if the rumor was true, and the teen was ashamed, they will learn a life long lesson on how to behave next time. That there is a here after.! It could also benefit others who hear the rumor as to not make the same mistake. It may be a situation where it could scar someone for the rest of there life also. Sometimes people can't get over some things!.
There are a lot of rumurs that go through school and it depends on the way u look at it and deal with it. I had many rumors about me through school and it knowcked me down so fast that I almost dropped out of highschool. But then I realized I would be doing exactly what they wanted (to put others down to bring them higher) Well no Io didnt get to graduate and walk stage but I did get my diploma a month later and know that Im in college its a lot better because I know I there just to work toward my future while all those ppl that put me down either dropped out of high school or didnt go on to college, So just stick in there and just remember that rumers are an act of jealosy from the other person to put u down to bring them up! I hope everything will help!!
I have only heard rumors causing problems. I have heard that they cause anger, revenge,anoroxia ,bullemia,suicide.
Rumors can have devasting effects on teenagers because they haven't yet developed any coping skills. They feel defenseless against rumors.
People who engage in gossip and rumor-spreading are not kind. If you engage in rumors, it tells me something about your character. I doubt if I would want to be friends with you, because you will do it to me too.
I suppose if you learn something about gossip, when it happens to you, you might choose to not do it to someone else. That is a positive thing. You have learned to not do it.
One thing about passing rumors, is that just like the ';telephone game';, it often is not the same rumor anymore. People have forgotten parts and other people have added parts.
riots, pissed off people, and you might want to let the bodies hit the floor. and make derek mad
there is'nt any thing good. A bunch of mean girls decide to disc some girl and they are brutal until they get them out.
That is why we have small classes of home schooled kids.
Because the bullys won't stop until they get them out.
rumors are terrible. i don`t know of a good thing that comes out of it except the satisfaction of questioning and busting the person(s) who said it..well for me i get that satisfaction.
Where is the best place in Oregon for a young retired couple with older teenagers?
My husband is almost 53 and I am 45. After 35 years on the same job he is about to receive a ';buyout'; to retire early. We are selling our 2 Tri-plex rental properties that we have taken care of as our future nest egg for the past 22 years as well as our home that we custom design/built in 1992. California is too hot, dry, and the stress level of the ';life in the fast lane'; of the SF Bay Area has really gotten to us. We want cash out, sell everything, and move to Oregon and be retired. But where? We love trees, lakes, fishing and have just started to take up golf and tennis. We have 1 Jr. College age son and 1 High School Freshman daughter. (Our older daughter is already living on her own and in her senior year of college in California). Oregon seems to be much more affordable and more low key with less stress. Any suggestions?Where is the best place in Oregon for a young retired couple with older teenagers?
I moved to Oregon eight years ago after living in Tokyo and Yokohama. My wife and I got out of ';life in the fast lane,'; too. We have two children.
We chose southern Oregon along Interstate 5 so that we could enjoy the lower stress but stay close to the amenities (colleges, arts, major shopping areas, airports).
I don't recommend the Portland area. You're coming from the SF Bay Area. If you want trees, lakes and fishing (and golf and tennis), you don't want to hang around another major metropolitan city. Southern Oregon offers you four distinct seasons and far less rain than Portland.
Over the past year, I've helped several other people who are retiring in Oregon. The links below are previous answers.
Please don't hesitate to send me a direct message if you have additional questions.
The best golf in Oregon is here: http://www.bandondunesgolf.com/
The best lake: http://www.traveloregon.com/Explore-Oreg鈥?/a>
One of the best recreation areas: http://www.traveloregon.com/Explore-Oreg鈥?/a>
And a little art for good measure:
http://www.traveloregon.com/Explore-Oreg鈥?/a>Where is the best place in Oregon for a young retired couple with older teenagers?
Portland area is a good place to go. You have the smaller towns sirounding areas for good schools, there are lots of golf courses and your close to the mt and the ocean. Portland is Large so you have everything you will need or want and there are areas here that would be great for low key. Portland is a wonderful place to live there is public transportation for those who don't want to drive. We have great hospitals. I lived in small towns all my life and living in portland isn't as bad as i thought it has great parks. I don't know what else to say about Oregon or Portland its self I love it here. Portland is also close to Mt hood which has the best snow boarding, skiing and all the great llife for snow well thats what i was told
I would look at Bend Oregon. It is nestled in the mountains near Mt. Bachelor and surrounded by lots of great hiking and fishing and of course gold.
I don't think you would be disappointed.
Corvallis is allright. Not too big, not to small. It's a college town so that should be cool for your kids. Newport is really quiet, but there's nothing there for your kids. It's about 40 mins. from Corvallis.
Well congrats. on the retiring. I have just done that about a year ago. I have been looking for the same things to. Living in Sandy is quite low key and slow living for most anyone. It(Sandy) has started it growing like most towns in Oregon. It still has the small town charm, though. Medical facilities are not to far, and Portland is close by. The high school here is pretty good, due to a small crime rate, the kids seem pretty darn good. Home prices are beginning to rise, as all towns, but that just gives one a chance to invest for the five year investing. Located only 45 mins. from Mt. Hood lodge and even closer to many lakes and rivers, it offers a lot of outdoor fun. Eastern Oregon is at your finger-tips also. You can check out the home scene on realtor.com and see if it tickles your fancy. However, you best be able to enjoy a lot more rain than being in southern Cal. The rain does give us the green land, rivers, and snow pack for Mt. Hood. People have many diff. incomes and needs, so this is but one idea. This is a much calmer and relaxed area than So. Cal. or even Beaverton Oregon. This low key town that offers peace and relaxing is only one of many places to live. Good luck finding that special place.
eugene its a nice place
Crater Lake is nice
I moved to Oregon eight years ago after living in Tokyo and Yokohama. My wife and I got out of ';life in the fast lane,'; too. We have two children.
We chose southern Oregon along Interstate 5 so that we could enjoy the lower stress but stay close to the amenities (colleges, arts, major shopping areas, airports).
I don't recommend the Portland area. You're coming from the SF Bay Area. If you want trees, lakes and fishing (and golf and tennis), you don't want to hang around another major metropolitan city. Southern Oregon offers you four distinct seasons and far less rain than Portland.
Over the past year, I've helped several other people who are retiring in Oregon. The links below are previous answers.
Please don't hesitate to send me a direct message if you have additional questions.
The best golf in Oregon is here: http://www.bandondunesgolf.com/
The best lake: http://www.traveloregon.com/Explore-Oreg鈥?/a>
One of the best recreation areas: http://www.traveloregon.com/Explore-Oreg鈥?/a>
And a little art for good measure:
http://www.traveloregon.com/Explore-Oreg鈥?/a>Where is the best place in Oregon for a young retired couple with older teenagers?
Portland area is a good place to go. You have the smaller towns sirounding areas for good schools, there are lots of golf courses and your close to the mt and the ocean. Portland is Large so you have everything you will need or want and there are areas here that would be great for low key. Portland is a wonderful place to live there is public transportation for those who don't want to drive. We have great hospitals. I lived in small towns all my life and living in portland isn't as bad as i thought it has great parks. I don't know what else to say about Oregon or Portland its self I love it here. Portland is also close to Mt hood which has the best snow boarding, skiing and all the great llife for snow well thats what i was told
I would look at Bend Oregon. It is nestled in the mountains near Mt. Bachelor and surrounded by lots of great hiking and fishing and of course gold.
I don't think you would be disappointed.
Corvallis is allright. Not too big, not to small. It's a college town so that should be cool for your kids. Newport is really quiet, but there's nothing there for your kids. It's about 40 mins. from Corvallis.
Well congrats. on the retiring. I have just done that about a year ago. I have been looking for the same things to. Living in Sandy is quite low key and slow living for most anyone. It(Sandy) has started it growing like most towns in Oregon. It still has the small town charm, though. Medical facilities are not to far, and Portland is close by. The high school here is pretty good, due to a small crime rate, the kids seem pretty darn good. Home prices are beginning to rise, as all towns, but that just gives one a chance to invest for the five year investing. Located only 45 mins. from Mt. Hood lodge and even closer to many lakes and rivers, it offers a lot of outdoor fun. Eastern Oregon is at your finger-tips also. You can check out the home scene on realtor.com and see if it tickles your fancy. However, you best be able to enjoy a lot more rain than being in southern Cal. The rain does give us the green land, rivers, and snow pack for Mt. Hood. People have many diff. incomes and needs, so this is but one idea. This is a much calmer and relaxed area than So. Cal. or even Beaverton Oregon. This low key town that offers peace and relaxing is only one of many places to live. Good luck finding that special place.
eugene its a nice place
Crater Lake is nice
Should teenagers (15-year and over) be allowed to choose a vasectomy?
Having a baby at a young age guarantees a lousy life for a teenager. What say you?Should teenagers (15-year and over) be allowed to choose a vasectomy?
I knew I wanted one by age 15, and would have got it then if I could. I started trying to get one when I was about 18.5, but most clinics, not the law have policy against that. I succeeded when I turned 21, because I found a clinic that had no minimum age, or minimum child requirements(I lied. I told them I as 23, and had a child. I did this just in case.).
You are correct in your assessment. Most everyone I know that had children under 18 never went to college, and still work mindless unskilled labor jobs, 20 years later. Everyone knows someone that is an exception, but the statistics don't support them.
Unfortunately they have to draw the line somewhere, and 18 is where they drew it.Should teenagers (15-year and over) be allowed to choose a vasectomy?
I think it would be a crime for a 15 year old to have a vasectomy.
Good Luck!!!
Yes. But maybe you should try other alternatives. You won't be young forever, so just strap up and enjoy the ride.
Instead of a vasectomy, why not teach our kids good moral values?? What happened to that? Let's teach our kids to wait till they are married before having sex.
Since there are a number of other birth control methods that are almost completely effective, no, it's a bad idea. Especially since there are almost no 15 year olds that want kids, even though most people will want them once they get older.
No, teens that young should never have to make a decision like that. No duh they don't want kids now, but what about when they are 29 or so?
No doctor would perform the surgery on a boy that young. Most doctors won't perform any sterilization techniques on anyone under 25 who doesn't already have children. It would be unethical. Teenagers aren't exactly known for their clear thinking and wise judgment. The chances that he's change his mind later in life and regret it are extremely high.
NOpe to young, they just shouldn't be having sex. And it doesn't guarantee a lousy life, my life was 100 times better after my daughter was born.
No, I would think not.
Sterilization is a life-long choice. We read about ';reversals,'; but they are painful, costly, and don't always work. Do some research about vasectomies - after a few years they are basically irrevisible. So - you're talking about a young man getting a vasectomy at 17. Ten years later, he gets his life together, marries a wonderful woman, and wants to start a family. Too bad.
There are many other forms of birth control. When you get a vasectomy, you are saying, ';I NEVER want to father a child.'; Not too many teenagers are in a position to say ';never'; to something like that.
In just as much as a child doesnt understand the consequence of sex, neither can they truly understand the unrepairable damage done by surgery.
There is a reason why doctors only do those surgeries on people who are old enough to know.
A fifteen-year-old is a minor in many countries. Unless there is a health risk and a vasectomy is necessary, doctors will usually recommend that the minor and his parents obtain more information before finalizing their decision.
Vasectomy itself is also not to be taken lightly. A better way to prevent unwanted pregnancies would be abstinence or contraceptives that aren't long-term (i.e. condoms, pills, etc.)
One last thing, an unwanted teenage pregnancy is not guaranteed to ruin a person's life. As long as parents are supportive of the teenager and help him/her make the right decisions, there is still joy to be found in the new life. If this ever happens to your teenager, help him/her make the decisions and don't do anything to make him/her feel worse than they already do. Just be supportive. The last thing he/she needs is to be judged by his/her own parents.
No. Way too young to make such a drastic choice.
No, they would regret it later. They are too young to decide that now.
I don't think teenagers should be allowed vasectomies for several reasons. The first, teenagers tend to change their minds frequently. They may not want to have a baby in the near future, however that may change once life circumstances change: marry, finish college, etc.
Although having a baby is challenging (lousy as some would say) during life as a teen, if pregnancy was a huge concern, there are many forms of birth control: pill, condom, diaphram, shot, abstinence. Although a vasectomy can be reversed, would a guy really want to go through two surgeries on his balls when he could have taken other less painful precautionary methods (not to mention cheaper).
No way they may not be able to reverse them later on. No its way too young. Teach him and give him a pack of condoms but no no no to operation.
No I don't think a fifteen year old boy understands the permanence of that decision.
I think that they shouldn't be having sex at 15 but since they will anyway...sure let them get a vasectomy...why not?
a Vasectomy doesnt keep you from getting Herpies or other StD's Use a Rubber.
heck no!
The difference between a 15 year old and a 26 year old is huge.
Meaning kids should not be able to make that choice because they are still young and their opinions will change over the years.
Now Dr in the right mind would do that. YOu have to hit guide lines to even get one. There are legual reason. Why in the world would someone let a child do that. When later in life when he grows up he wont be able to have children. And his body is not ready for that.
Teach safe sex...teach getting tested every 3months...show videos, pictures, and group talks about sex and all that comes with it
Absolutely not. You may not want children now, but when you get to be an adult, and you get married , you may want to have children. Vasectomies are not merely a birth control for guys, it is surgery that will stop unwanted pregnancy, BUT is a pain and is very coslty to get reversed. And, when it is reversed, there is no definite guarantee that it will actually work. The best way to make sure there is no unwanted pregnancy and disease, is abstinence.
I would have to say no because the process can not be reversed and you can't have babies later in life when you want to and when you are ready. Try not having sex, that works wonders for preventing pregnancy.
id say yes im 39 years old and not able to have kids i wouldnt want to bring a kid into this world. so get snipped have all the fun you want then laugh when some chick says im late with my period ..
No they should not. No matter how mature a child of that age thinks they are, that is a decision that they cant possibly make.
Short on life experiences, relationships, etc.At that age your thoughts and dreams can change drastically.
With many other forms of birth control available, why do something permanent????
Teenagers shouldn't even be having sex to begin with, so the need for sterilization shouldn't be an issue. Ridiculous.
First of all it's not true and no to the vasectomy as well.
well then maybe the teenage boy shouldnt be having sex then should he? obviously if you dont know how to keep it in your pants or wrap it up, then you have no business having sex. you have a lot of growing up to do.liquid eye liner
I knew I wanted one by age 15, and would have got it then if I could. I started trying to get one when I was about 18.5, but most clinics, not the law have policy against that. I succeeded when I turned 21, because I found a clinic that had no minimum age, or minimum child requirements(I lied. I told them I as 23, and had a child. I did this just in case.).
You are correct in your assessment. Most everyone I know that had children under 18 never went to college, and still work mindless unskilled labor jobs, 20 years later. Everyone knows someone that is an exception, but the statistics don't support them.
Unfortunately they have to draw the line somewhere, and 18 is where they drew it.Should teenagers (15-year and over) be allowed to choose a vasectomy?
I think it would be a crime for a 15 year old to have a vasectomy.
Good Luck!!!
Yes. But maybe you should try other alternatives. You won't be young forever, so just strap up and enjoy the ride.
Instead of a vasectomy, why not teach our kids good moral values?? What happened to that? Let's teach our kids to wait till they are married before having sex.
Since there are a number of other birth control methods that are almost completely effective, no, it's a bad idea. Especially since there are almost no 15 year olds that want kids, even though most people will want them once they get older.
No, teens that young should never have to make a decision like that. No duh they don't want kids now, but what about when they are 29 or so?
No doctor would perform the surgery on a boy that young. Most doctors won't perform any sterilization techniques on anyone under 25 who doesn't already have children. It would be unethical. Teenagers aren't exactly known for their clear thinking and wise judgment. The chances that he's change his mind later in life and regret it are extremely high.
NOpe to young, they just shouldn't be having sex. And it doesn't guarantee a lousy life, my life was 100 times better after my daughter was born.
No, I would think not.
Sterilization is a life-long choice. We read about ';reversals,'; but they are painful, costly, and don't always work. Do some research about vasectomies - after a few years they are basically irrevisible. So - you're talking about a young man getting a vasectomy at 17. Ten years later, he gets his life together, marries a wonderful woman, and wants to start a family. Too bad.
There are many other forms of birth control. When you get a vasectomy, you are saying, ';I NEVER want to father a child.'; Not too many teenagers are in a position to say ';never'; to something like that.
In just as much as a child doesnt understand the consequence of sex, neither can they truly understand the unrepairable damage done by surgery.
There is a reason why doctors only do those surgeries on people who are old enough to know.
A fifteen-year-old is a minor in many countries. Unless there is a health risk and a vasectomy is necessary, doctors will usually recommend that the minor and his parents obtain more information before finalizing their decision.
Vasectomy itself is also not to be taken lightly. A better way to prevent unwanted pregnancies would be abstinence or contraceptives that aren't long-term (i.e. condoms, pills, etc.)
One last thing, an unwanted teenage pregnancy is not guaranteed to ruin a person's life. As long as parents are supportive of the teenager and help him/her make the right decisions, there is still joy to be found in the new life. If this ever happens to your teenager, help him/her make the decisions and don't do anything to make him/her feel worse than they already do. Just be supportive. The last thing he/she needs is to be judged by his/her own parents.
No. Way too young to make such a drastic choice.
No, they would regret it later. They are too young to decide that now.
I don't think teenagers should be allowed vasectomies for several reasons. The first, teenagers tend to change their minds frequently. They may not want to have a baby in the near future, however that may change once life circumstances change: marry, finish college, etc.
Although having a baby is challenging (lousy as some would say) during life as a teen, if pregnancy was a huge concern, there are many forms of birth control: pill, condom, diaphram, shot, abstinence. Although a vasectomy can be reversed, would a guy really want to go through two surgeries on his balls when he could have taken other less painful precautionary methods (not to mention cheaper).
No way they may not be able to reverse them later on. No its way too young. Teach him and give him a pack of condoms but no no no to operation.
No I don't think a fifteen year old boy understands the permanence of that decision.
I think that they shouldn't be having sex at 15 but since they will anyway...sure let them get a vasectomy...why not?
a Vasectomy doesnt keep you from getting Herpies or other StD's Use a Rubber.
heck no!
The difference between a 15 year old and a 26 year old is huge.
Meaning kids should not be able to make that choice because they are still young and their opinions will change over the years.
Now Dr in the right mind would do that. YOu have to hit guide lines to even get one. There are legual reason. Why in the world would someone let a child do that. When later in life when he grows up he wont be able to have children. And his body is not ready for that.
Teach safe sex...teach getting tested every 3months...show videos, pictures, and group talks about sex and all that comes with it
Absolutely not. You may not want children now, but when you get to be an adult, and you get married , you may want to have children. Vasectomies are not merely a birth control for guys, it is surgery that will stop unwanted pregnancy, BUT is a pain and is very coslty to get reversed. And, when it is reversed, there is no definite guarantee that it will actually work. The best way to make sure there is no unwanted pregnancy and disease, is abstinence.
I would have to say no because the process can not be reversed and you can't have babies later in life when you want to and when you are ready. Try not having sex, that works wonders for preventing pregnancy.
id say yes im 39 years old and not able to have kids i wouldnt want to bring a kid into this world. so get snipped have all the fun you want then laugh when some chick says im late with my period ..
No they should not. No matter how mature a child of that age thinks they are, that is a decision that they cant possibly make.
Short on life experiences, relationships, etc.At that age your thoughts and dreams can change drastically.
With many other forms of birth control available, why do something permanent????
Teenagers shouldn't even be having sex to begin with, so the need for sterilization shouldn't be an issue. Ridiculous.
First of all it's not true and no to the vasectomy as well.
well then maybe the teenage boy shouldnt be having sex then should he? obviously if you dont know how to keep it in your pants or wrap it up, then you have no business having sex. you have a lot of growing up to do.
Should teenagers start a boy and girl relationship at a young age?
depends on what ';young age'; is. i think the best age to start a relationship is 16 and up. my first relationship (which i am still in) started when i was 16 and we've been going out for almost a year and we're totally in love. when youre younger you think youre in love, but it's just lust. not in all cases but you know how girls and guys get ';girl crazy'; and ';boy crazy'; switching crushes like there's no tomorrow syaing that they love their crushes when they have no idea who they are. so i think the older you are the better it is to have a relationship.Should teenagers start a boy and girl relationship at a young age?
Serious ones involving sex, heck no! Too many emotions to control and they don't have a clue on how to control the ones they currently have.
BF/GF as closer friends then normal, OK, but do not allow them to get closer just based on the emotional states. There have been a LOT of suicides based on sexual relationships at a young age and they couldn't handle it.Should teenagers start a boy and girl relationship at a young age?
Yes. People will generally say no, because they immediately associate ';dating'; with ';sex';. But dating should be about getting to know each other and finding out what one values in a future spouse. I think that young people should get acquainted, in a safe way, with the other gender. Get to know what's out there, so that they are well informed and better able to make decisions about what they're looking for in a mate, or whether they want one at all. The more time you give yourself to do something, the better you are at making decisions regarding it. People are sheltering their kids too much. But what good is that doing? Look at all the teen pregnancies out there, all the failed marriages, all the abusive relationships. Most of the girls I have known who had children at 14 or 15 didn't have strong parental influences in the sense that their parents didn't guide them. Instead of guiding, these parents sheltered their girls. And of course, the girls feeling oppressed, rebelled, and had sex without protection, without information, without knowledge. They just did what came naturally, without anyone telling them how to protect themselves. These girls were not allowed to date in a safe environment, guided by their parents. So they went out and dated the way they saw on tv, by having sex in parks or wherever and later lied to their moms and dads about where they were.
Most people, if given the correct information and enough experience will make the right choices for themselves. I think though, that before parents let their children date, they need to inform them of all the dangers out there, without scaring, without intimidation with just honesty and concern, the kid will get the point, usually. And if the parents make their values clear to their children, most kids will try do what's right. There is a lot of confusion out there, and a lot of it has to do with parents not properly communicating with their children.
But having a chaperoned date at a young age is okay. Say going to the movies or something. I think 16 or 17 is okay to go on dates without a parent there, as long as there is a curfew of course, even 14 or 15 is okay, if the kids are mature enough. At 18 there's pretty much nothing you can do about it.
No, I did and believe me--No!!!
They should start dating at 15 or 16.
if they think or know they love them and if they think they can handle the pressure and stress then why not??!!
Serious ones involving sex, heck no! Too many emotions to control and they don't have a clue on how to control the ones they currently have.
BF/GF as closer friends then normal, OK, but do not allow them to get closer just based on the emotional states. There have been a LOT of suicides based on sexual relationships at a young age and they couldn't handle it.Should teenagers start a boy and girl relationship at a young age?
Yes. People will generally say no, because they immediately associate ';dating'; with ';sex';. But dating should be about getting to know each other and finding out what one values in a future spouse. I think that young people should get acquainted, in a safe way, with the other gender. Get to know what's out there, so that they are well informed and better able to make decisions about what they're looking for in a mate, or whether they want one at all. The more time you give yourself to do something, the better you are at making decisions regarding it. People are sheltering their kids too much. But what good is that doing? Look at all the teen pregnancies out there, all the failed marriages, all the abusive relationships. Most of the girls I have known who had children at 14 or 15 didn't have strong parental influences in the sense that their parents didn't guide them. Instead of guiding, these parents sheltered their girls. And of course, the girls feeling oppressed, rebelled, and had sex without protection, without information, without knowledge. They just did what came naturally, without anyone telling them how to protect themselves. These girls were not allowed to date in a safe environment, guided by their parents. So they went out and dated the way they saw on tv, by having sex in parks or wherever and later lied to their moms and dads about where they were.
Most people, if given the correct information and enough experience will make the right choices for themselves. I think though, that before parents let their children date, they need to inform them of all the dangers out there, without scaring, without intimidation with just honesty and concern, the kid will get the point, usually. And if the parents make their values clear to their children, most kids will try do what's right. There is a lot of confusion out there, and a lot of it has to do with parents not properly communicating with their children.
But having a chaperoned date at a young age is okay. Say going to the movies or something. I think 16 or 17 is okay to go on dates without a parent there, as long as there is a curfew of course, even 14 or 15 is okay, if the kids are mature enough. At 18 there's pretty much nothing you can do about it.
No, I did and believe me--No!!!
They should start dating at 15 or 16.
if they think or know they love them and if they think they can handle the pressure and stress then why not??!!
How much time do the majority of teenagers spend on Myspace etc.?
Hi this is for my english public speaking and i just need to do a bit of research and i just cant find any info, so... can all of the teens out there answer this, it would be really helpfulHow much time do the majority of teenagers spend on Myspace etc.?
um i usually only go on when I'm bored or one of my friends is on that i don't get to talk to that often. So it's usually about 4 to 5 hour's when I'm bored, 1 to 3 hours when I'm talking to friend's that i haven't talked to in a wile. There is the case for when your an anime freak like I am that you will be on for days at a time so you can update your profile and take people's edit requests and upload pictures and such (yes i know this doesn't sound like it would take a lot of time but it does trust me on this one.)How much time do the majority of teenagers spend on Myspace etc.?
Usually over an hour.
Which is very unhealthy /:
2 hours per week.
too much...
um i usually only go on when I'm bored or one of my friends is on that i don't get to talk to that often. So it's usually about 4 to 5 hour's when I'm bored, 1 to 3 hours when I'm talking to friend's that i haven't talked to in a wile. There is the case for when your an anime freak like I am that you will be on for days at a time so you can update your profile and take people's edit requests and upload pictures and such (yes i know this doesn't sound like it would take a lot of time but it does trust me on this one.)How much time do the majority of teenagers spend on Myspace etc.?
Usually over an hour.
Which is very unhealthy /:
2 hours per week.
too much...
Should teenagers (15-year and over) be allowed to choose a vasectomy?
Having a baby at a young age guarantees a lousy life for a teenager. What say you?Should teenagers (15-year and over) be allowed to choose a vasectomy?
I knew I wanted one by age 15, and would have got it then if I could. I started trying to get one when I was about 18.5, but most clinics, not the law have policy against that. I succeeded when I turned 21, because I found a clinic that had no minimum age, or minimum child requirements(I lied. I told them I as 23, and had a child. I did this just in case.).
You are correct in your assessment. Most everyone I know that had children under 18 never went to college, and still work mindless unskilled labor jobs, 20 years later. Everyone knows someone that is an exception, but the statistics don't support them.
Unfortunately they have to draw the line somewhere, and 18 is where they drew it.Should teenagers (15-year and over) be allowed to choose a vasectomy?
I think it would be a crime for a 15 year old to have a vasectomy.
Good Luck!!!
Yes. But maybe you should try other alternatives. You won't be young forever, so just strap up and enjoy the ride.
Instead of a vasectomy, why not teach our kids good moral values?? What happened to that? Let's teach our kids to wait till they are married before having sex.
Since there are a number of other birth control methods that are almost completely effective, no, it's a bad idea. Especially since there are almost no 15 year olds that want kids, even though most people will want them once they get older.
No, teens that young should never have to make a decision like that. No duh they don't want kids now, but what about when they are 29 or so?
No doctor would perform the surgery on a boy that young. Most doctors won't perform any sterilization techniques on anyone under 25 who doesn't already have children. It would be unethical. Teenagers aren't exactly known for their clear thinking and wise judgment. The chances that he's change his mind later in life and regret it are extremely high.
NOpe to young, they just shouldn't be having sex. And it doesn't guarantee a lousy life, my life was 100 times better after my daughter was born.
No, I would think not.
Sterilization is a life-long choice. We read about ';reversals,'; but they are painful, costly, and don't always work. Do some research about vasectomies - after a few years they are basically irrevisible. So - you're talking about a young man getting a vasectomy at 17. Ten years later, he gets his life together, marries a wonderful woman, and wants to start a family. Too bad.
There are many other forms of birth control. When you get a vasectomy, you are saying, ';I NEVER want to father a child.'; Not too many teenagers are in a position to say ';never'; to something like that.
In just as much as a child doesnt understand the consequence of sex, neither can they truly understand the unrepairable damage done by surgery.
There is a reason why doctors only do those surgeries on people who are old enough to know.
A fifteen-year-old is a minor in many countries. Unless there is a health risk and a vasectomy is necessary, doctors will usually recommend that the minor and his parents obtain more information before finalizing their decision.
Vasectomy itself is also not to be taken lightly. A better way to prevent unwanted pregnancies would be abstinence or contraceptives that aren't long-term (i.e. condoms, pills, etc.)
One last thing, an unwanted teenage pregnancy is not guaranteed to ruin a person's life. As long as parents are supportive of the teenager and help him/her make the right decisions, there is still joy to be found in the new life. If this ever happens to your teenager, help him/her make the decisions and don't do anything to make him/her feel worse than they already do. Just be supportive. The last thing he/she needs is to be judged by his/her own parents.
No. Way too young to make such a drastic choice.
No, they would regret it later. They are too young to decide that now.
I don't think teenagers should be allowed vasectomies for several reasons. The first, teenagers tend to change their minds frequently. They may not want to have a baby in the near future, however that may change once life circumstances change: marry, finish college, etc.
Although having a baby is challenging (lousy as some would say) during life as a teen, if pregnancy was a huge concern, there are many forms of birth control: pill, condom, diaphram, shot, abstinence. Although a vasectomy can be reversed, would a guy really want to go through two surgeries on his balls when he could have taken other less painful precautionary methods (not to mention cheaper).
No way they may not be able to reverse them later on. No its way too young. Teach him and give him a pack of condoms but no no no to operation.
No I don't think a fifteen year old boy understands the permanence of that decision.
I think that they shouldn't be having sex at 15 but since they will anyway...sure let them get a vasectomy...why not?
a Vasectomy doesnt keep you from getting Herpies or other StD's Use a Rubber.
heck no!
The difference between a 15 year old and a 26 year old is huge.
Meaning kids should not be able to make that choice because they are still young and their opinions will change over the years.
Now Dr in the right mind would do that. YOu have to hit guide lines to even get one. There are legual reason. Why in the world would someone let a child do that. When later in life when he grows up he wont be able to have children. And his body is not ready for that.
Teach safe sex...teach getting tested every 3months...show videos, pictures, and group talks about sex and all that comes with it
Absolutely not. You may not want children now, but when you get to be an adult, and you get married , you may want to have children. Vasectomies are not merely a birth control for guys, it is surgery that will stop unwanted pregnancy, BUT is a pain and is very coslty to get reversed. And, when it is reversed, there is no definite guarantee that it will actually work. The best way to make sure there is no unwanted pregnancy and disease, is abstinence.
I would have to say no because the process can not be reversed and you can't have babies later in life when you want to and when you are ready. Try not having sex, that works wonders for preventing pregnancy.
id say yes im 39 years old and not able to have kids i wouldnt want to bring a kid into this world. so get snipped have all the fun you want then laugh when some chick says im late with my period ..
No they should not. No matter how mature a child of that age thinks they are, that is a decision that they cant possibly make.
Short on life experiences, relationships, etc.At that age your thoughts and dreams can change drastically.
With many other forms of birth control available, why do something permanent????
Teenagers shouldn't even be having sex to begin with, so the need for sterilization shouldn't be an issue. Ridiculous.
First of all it's not true and no to the vasectomy as well.
well then maybe the teenage boy shouldnt be having sex then should he? obviously if you dont know how to keep it in your pants or wrap it up, then you have no business having sex. you have a lot of growing up to do.
I knew I wanted one by age 15, and would have got it then if I could. I started trying to get one when I was about 18.5, but most clinics, not the law have policy against that. I succeeded when I turned 21, because I found a clinic that had no minimum age, or minimum child requirements(I lied. I told them I as 23, and had a child. I did this just in case.).
You are correct in your assessment. Most everyone I know that had children under 18 never went to college, and still work mindless unskilled labor jobs, 20 years later. Everyone knows someone that is an exception, but the statistics don't support them.
Unfortunately they have to draw the line somewhere, and 18 is where they drew it.Should teenagers (15-year and over) be allowed to choose a vasectomy?
I think it would be a crime for a 15 year old to have a vasectomy.
Good Luck!!!
Yes. But maybe you should try other alternatives. You won't be young forever, so just strap up and enjoy the ride.
Instead of a vasectomy, why not teach our kids good moral values?? What happened to that? Let's teach our kids to wait till they are married before having sex.
Since there are a number of other birth control methods that are almost completely effective, no, it's a bad idea. Especially since there are almost no 15 year olds that want kids, even though most people will want them once they get older.
No, teens that young should never have to make a decision like that. No duh they don't want kids now, but what about when they are 29 or so?
No doctor would perform the surgery on a boy that young. Most doctors won't perform any sterilization techniques on anyone under 25 who doesn't already have children. It would be unethical. Teenagers aren't exactly known for their clear thinking and wise judgment. The chances that he's change his mind later in life and regret it are extremely high.
NOpe to young, they just shouldn't be having sex. And it doesn't guarantee a lousy life, my life was 100 times better after my daughter was born.
No, I would think not.
Sterilization is a life-long choice. We read about ';reversals,'; but they are painful, costly, and don't always work. Do some research about vasectomies - after a few years they are basically irrevisible. So - you're talking about a young man getting a vasectomy at 17. Ten years later, he gets his life together, marries a wonderful woman, and wants to start a family. Too bad.
There are many other forms of birth control. When you get a vasectomy, you are saying, ';I NEVER want to father a child.'; Not too many teenagers are in a position to say ';never'; to something like that.
In just as much as a child doesnt understand the consequence of sex, neither can they truly understand the unrepairable damage done by surgery.
There is a reason why doctors only do those surgeries on people who are old enough to know.
A fifteen-year-old is a minor in many countries. Unless there is a health risk and a vasectomy is necessary, doctors will usually recommend that the minor and his parents obtain more information before finalizing their decision.
Vasectomy itself is also not to be taken lightly. A better way to prevent unwanted pregnancies would be abstinence or contraceptives that aren't long-term (i.e. condoms, pills, etc.)
One last thing, an unwanted teenage pregnancy is not guaranteed to ruin a person's life. As long as parents are supportive of the teenager and help him/her make the right decisions, there is still joy to be found in the new life. If this ever happens to your teenager, help him/her make the decisions and don't do anything to make him/her feel worse than they already do. Just be supportive. The last thing he/she needs is to be judged by his/her own parents.
No. Way too young to make such a drastic choice.
No, they would regret it later. They are too young to decide that now.
I don't think teenagers should be allowed vasectomies for several reasons. The first, teenagers tend to change their minds frequently. They may not want to have a baby in the near future, however that may change once life circumstances change: marry, finish college, etc.
Although having a baby is challenging (lousy as some would say) during life as a teen, if pregnancy was a huge concern, there are many forms of birth control: pill, condom, diaphram, shot, abstinence. Although a vasectomy can be reversed, would a guy really want to go through two surgeries on his balls when he could have taken other less painful precautionary methods (not to mention cheaper).
No way they may not be able to reverse them later on. No its way too young. Teach him and give him a pack of condoms but no no no to operation.
No I don't think a fifteen year old boy understands the permanence of that decision.
I think that they shouldn't be having sex at 15 but since they will anyway...sure let them get a vasectomy...why not?
a Vasectomy doesnt keep you from getting Herpies or other StD's Use a Rubber.
heck no!
The difference between a 15 year old and a 26 year old is huge.
Meaning kids should not be able to make that choice because they are still young and their opinions will change over the years.
Now Dr in the right mind would do that. YOu have to hit guide lines to even get one. There are legual reason. Why in the world would someone let a child do that. When later in life when he grows up he wont be able to have children. And his body is not ready for that.
Teach safe sex...teach getting tested every 3months...show videos, pictures, and group talks about sex and all that comes with it
Absolutely not. You may not want children now, but when you get to be an adult, and you get married , you may want to have children. Vasectomies are not merely a birth control for guys, it is surgery that will stop unwanted pregnancy, BUT is a pain and is very coslty to get reversed. And, when it is reversed, there is no definite guarantee that it will actually work. The best way to make sure there is no unwanted pregnancy and disease, is abstinence.
I would have to say no because the process can not be reversed and you can't have babies later in life when you want to and when you are ready. Try not having sex, that works wonders for preventing pregnancy.
id say yes im 39 years old and not able to have kids i wouldnt want to bring a kid into this world. so get snipped have all the fun you want then laugh when some chick says im late with my period ..
No they should not. No matter how mature a child of that age thinks they are, that is a decision that they cant possibly make.
Short on life experiences, relationships, etc.At that age your thoughts and dreams can change drastically.
With many other forms of birth control available, why do something permanent????
Teenagers shouldn't even be having sex to begin with, so the need for sterilization shouldn't be an issue. Ridiculous.
First of all it's not true and no to the vasectomy as well.
well then maybe the teenage boy shouldnt be having sex then should he? obviously if you dont know how to keep it in your pants or wrap it up, then you have no business having sex. you have a lot of growing up to do.
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