Ya, sounds like immaturity to me. But a lot of times their asking things their to embarrassed to speak to friends or parents. Sometimes they need to hear it from others before they will listen to parent, once they hear the backup from someone who doesn't know their parents they it kind of sinks in or is more believable.
Besides there's some pretty crappy so called parents out there, who haven't the time, can't be bothered, are too busy, etc.
I also feel it's better they start here than just jump into something blindfolded and head first.
Then of course haven't you ever heard, it's smart ppl that ask questions not dumb ppl.
Listen or not, better they should ask, besides that way we get to say ';told you so';.Why do all the stupid teenagers come in here and want us to tell them how to start a relationship?
Not to be rude but I'm sick of people always degrading my generation. My dad always goes on about how kids my age are tyrants and are utterly clueless and never listen anymore. To be honest I've never gotten in serious trouble and people tend to call me a goody-goody because I do what my parents ask of me. Just because a portion of teenagers act awful doesn't mean that we all do. Personally, I ask questions on here because sometimes I'm to embarrassed to ask my mom or dad and my friends sometimes do not give me a straight answer. I'm not a stupid teenager, and if the older generation would stop labeling us, maybe you would understand. Also I do not love someone one day and then want to feed them to a wild pack of dogs the next, that's just ridiculous.
They don't want to listen to abstinence only answers that their parents (you) give them. Times have changed duh! We (current generation) are not prepared to live like you guys did, all abstinent till your married. Let us live our own lives and do us all a favor and let us make our own decisions?
Because the internet has melted their brains and they can't think for themselves anymore. It has also made them antisocial so they can't ask their friends for advice.
';in love'; haha. but for real. i agree with this. but also... it wont really hurt to see what other people think. especially if they want opinions and dont want to ask their friends.
NO, becuz #1-the parents are not doing theyre jobs
#2- they're too horny to know wut to do about any thing
ha ha ha
fa real
Lighten up, Granny. They're just looking for opinions. All we can do is give them honest advice and hope they take something away from it.
They really don't want to know my answer which is wait until you are older- go out and have fun with your friends before settling into a relationship
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